📜  FTP和HTTP之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-28 08:12:49             🧑  作者: Mango

超文本传输协议(HTTP)和文件传输协议(FTP)是用于客户端和服务器之间的文件传输的协议。 FTP和HTTP之间有很多区别。在本文中,我们将学习HTTP和FTP之间的区别。

它代表文件传输协议。这是一个互联网标准,允许从互联网在不同计算机上进行文件下载和上传的过程。 FTP站点由不同类型的文件(文本,图形,视频,图像等)组成。它是在安全性不是大问题时开发的。它较旧,并已被新协议取代。 FTP支持两个单独的传输控制协议,第一个是用于验证用户身份的控制连接或命令端口(端口21),第二个是用于传输文件的数据连接或数据端口(端口20)。它需要特定的用户名和密码才能访问。

它代表超文本传输协议。它是WWW的骨干。这是一个互联网标准,允许通过互联网传输网页的过程。它还定义了Web浏览器如何响应任何Web请求。所有网页的网址都包含协议,域名和网页路径。大多数网址在其URL中都包含http://,以显示HTTP协议。 HTTP的工作方式类似于FTP和SMTP的组合功能。它还使用传输控制协议。


1. It stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. It stands for File Transfer Protocol
2. It is the set of rules that how web pages are transferred on different computers over the internet. It is the set of rules that permit the downloading and uploading the files on the computer over the internet.
3. It only supports the data connection. It supports both data connection and control connection
4. It uses Transmission Control Protocol and runs on TCP port 80. It uses Transmission Control Protocol and runs on TCP port 20 and TCP port 21.
5. The URL using the HTTP protocol will start with HTTP. The URL using the FTP will start with FTP.
6. It does not require authentication. It requires authentication.
7. It is efficient in transferring small files. It is efficient in transferring large files.
8.  The files transferred to the computer over the internet are not saved to the memory. The files transferred to the computer over the internet are saved to the memory.
9.  HTTP is used to provide the web pages to the web browser from the webserver  FTP is used to upload or download files between client and server.
10. It is a stateless protocol. It is not a stateless protocol and it maintains states.
11. It supports an In-band type of band transfer. It supports an Out-of-band type of band transfer.
12. It can use both types of Persistent and Non-persistent TCP connection. It uses a Persistent TCP connection for the Control connection and a Non-persistent TCP Connection for Data Connection.