📜  光缆和铜线的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-24 04:35:23             🧑  作者: Mango


  1. 光源
  2. 传输介质(光纤)
  3. 探测器



Sr. No. Basis Fiber Optic Cable Copper Wire
1. Data Carrier It carries data in the form of light. It carries data in the form of electric signals.
2. Bandwidth It offers higher bandwidth. It offers lower bandwidth.
3. Structure It is thin, lighter in weight and smaller in size. It is heavier and thicker.
4. Environment It can be laid in different environment because it is more resistant to corrosive materials. It cannot be laid in different environment because it is more prone to corrosive materials.
5. Attenuation Attenuation is very low. Attenuation is high.
6. Interface As in this data travel in the form of light, they are not affected by electrical and magnetic interface. As in this data travel in the form of electric signals, they are affected by electrical and magnetic interface.
7. Security They provide security against the wiretappers, because there is no leakage of light and are difficult to tap. They does not provide security against the wiretappers, because there is leakage of signals and are easy to tap.
8. Cross-talk problem There is no such kind of any problem. These are prevalent this problem.
9. Effect on charge carriers In this charge carriers are photons, they do not carry any charge, so they does not get affected. In this charge carriers are electrons, they carry negative charge, so they get affected when they move in a wire.
10. Break-ability They are easily breakable. They cannot be easily broken.
11. Installation Cost Installation Cost is high. Installation Cost is less.