📜  Oracle 和 dBASE 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 04:05:01             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 甲骨文:
Oracle 是由 Oracle Corporation 开发的商业软件。 Oracle 广泛使用 RDBMS。 Oracle 允许快速安全地存储和检索数据。它用于运行在线事务处理和数据仓库。 Oracle 可在大多数主要操作系统上运行,如 Mac OS、UNIX、Windows 和 Linux。 Oracle 具有网络堆栈,允许来自不同平台的应用程序轻松地与 Oracle 通信。

2. 数据库:
dBASE 是最成功的微型计算机数据库管理系统之一。它是第一个商业上成功的个人计算机数据库系统。它用于创建和操作关系数据库 (RDBMS)。 DBASE 使用类似于 BASIC 语言的过程函数和命令。它使用简单的命令进行数据操作,如 USE、GO TOP 等。

Oracle 和 dBASE 的区别:

S.NO. Oracle dBASE
1. It was developed by Oracle Corporation. It was developed by Asthon Tate.
2. It was launched in 1980. It was launched in 1979.
3. Run over operating system is Oracle. Run over operating systems are DOS (dBASE Classic) and Windows (dBASE Pro).
4. It is an commercial software. It is also commercial software.
5. JDBC, ODBC, ODP.NET and Oracle Call Interface (OCI) are the APIs and access methods used in Oracle. No APIs and access method are used in dBASE.
6. Oracle is implemented in C and C++ languages. dBASE is implemented in SQL languages.
7. It uses Horizontal partitioning with the Optional Oracle Partitioning methods. dBASE does not use any partitioning method.
8. Referential integrity is used in Oracle. Referential integrity is used in dBASE.
9. It uses Selectable Replication method. It does not use any replication method.
10. ACID properties of transaction is used. There are no transaction concepts for dBASE internal data, but IDE does support transactions when accessing external DBMS.