📜  Box 和 BorgBase 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-13 03:20:52             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 盒子:
Box 是 Box Incorporation 提供的云存储和文件托管服务。它是由Aaron LevieDylan Smith 开发的。它基本上是面向企业的云内容管理和文件共享服务。它提供 10 GB 的存储空间。它由 Box Incorporation 于 2005 年推出,适用于 Windows、macOS 等平台。

2. 博格基地:
BorgBase 是由 The Borge Collective 提供的备份存储软件。它基本上是为基于类 Unix 操作系统的系统设计的。它由 The Borge Collective 于 2010 年推出。它主要使用Python开发。它提供 5 GB 的免费存储空间。它还为付费帐户提供无限的存储空间。它也被称为阁楼备份软件。

Box 和 Borgbase 的区别:

It is owned by Box Incorporation. It is owned by The Borge Collective.
It was launched in 2005. It was launched in 2010.
It offers 10 GB free storage space. It offers 5 GB free storage space.
It provides limited and unlimited both type of storage space for paid. It provides unlimited storage space for paid.
It is designed for all operating systems. It is basically designed for Unix like operating systems.
It supports file versioning in premium accounts only. It fully supports file versioning.
It provides full security of data. It provides less security of data than Box.
Maximum storage size is 100 GB for personal accounts and unlimited for business accounts. Maximum storage size is unlimited here.
It supports remote uploading of 30 MB per file via IFTTT. It does not support remote uploading.
It has traffic or band-width limit of 10 GB per month for free and 2 TB per month for paid. It has no traffic or band-width limit.