📜  unity overlaysphere - C# (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:48:11.876000             🧑  作者: Mango

Unity OverlaySphere - C#


The Unity OverlaySphere is a powerful tool for creating overlay images on top of your 3D environment. This can be useful for showing information to the user, highlighting important objects, or creating visual effects. The OverlaySphere is created using C# code, making it highly flexible and customizable.

How to Use OverlaySphere

To use OverlaySphere, follow these steps:

  1. Import the OverlaySphere package into your Unity project.
  2. Add the OverlaySphere prefab to your scene.
  3. Create a script to control the OverlaySphere.
  4. Attach the script to the OverlaySphere object.
Creating a Script

To create a script, open the "Assets" folder in Unity's Project window and right-click on an empty space. Select "Create" and then "C# Script." Name the script whatever you like and open it in your code editor of choice. The following is an example script that will create a simple OverlaySphere and move it around:

using UnityEngine;

public class OverlaySphereController : MonoBehaviour
    private GameObject overlaySphere;

    void Start()
        overlaySphere = GameObject.Find("OverlaySphere"); // Finds the OverlaySphere object.

    void Update()
        float x = Mathf.Sin(Time.time); // Creates a sinusoidal movement for the sphere.
        float y = Mathf.Cos(Time.time);
        overlaySphere.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0); // Sets the position of the sphere.
Attaching the Script

To attach the script to the OverlaySphere, first select the OverlaySphere object in the Hierarchy window. Then, in the Inspector window, click on the "Add Component" button and select the script you just created. You can now adjust any variables in the script to customize how the OverlaySphere behaves.


The Unity OverlaySphere is a powerful tool for creating overlay images in your 3D environment. By using C# code, you can create highly customizable and flexible spheres that can provide information, highlight objects, or create visual effects. With a bit of practice, you can easily create impressive overlays in your projects.