📜  git reset hard directory - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:30:56.256000             🧑  作者: Mango

Git Reset Hard Directory - Shell-Bash


As a programmer, you may have encountered Git reset hard directory in your projects. This command is used to reset the state of your working directory to a previous commit.

In this article, we will explore the usage of git reset hard directory in Shell-Bash and how it can be beneficial for developers.


The command to reset the current branch to a previous commit is as follows:

git reset --hard COMMIT_ID

Here, COMMIT_ID is the hash of the commit to which you want to reset the branch.

If you want to reset a specific file or directory to a previous commit, you can specify the relative path to that file or directory as follows:

git reset --hard COMMIT_ID path/to/directory

This will reset the specified directory to the state it was in at the specified commit.


Using git reset hard directory can be beneficial in various scenarios such as:

  1. Undoing changes: If you made some changes to your codebase and then realize that they were not the desired changes, you can use git reset hard directory to undo those changes and go back to the previous state.

  2. Fixing bugs: If you introduced a bug in your codebase and want to go back to a previous commit where the bug didn't exist, git reset hard directory can help you do that.

  3. Reverting to a stable state: If you want to go back to a stable state of your codebase where everything was working fine, you can use git reset hard directory to go back to a previous commit where everything was stable.


In conclusion, git reset hard directory in Shell-Bash is a powerful tool for developers to reset their working directory to a previous state. It can be useful for undoing changes, fixing bugs, and reverting to a stable state. As a programmer, it is important to understand the usage of this command and use it wisely.