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📜  unity <> f__mg$cache (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:35:28.875000             🧑  作者: Mango

Unity <> f__mg$cache

Unity is a powerful and versatile game engine that has become increasingly popular in the game development industry. One of the core features of Unity is its ability to handle complex data structures, such as lists and dictionaries, with ease.

One of the key components that Unity uses to manage these data structures is the f__mg$cache class. This class is used to store data in memory, allowing for quick access and retrieval of information as needed. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at this class and how it is used in Unity development.

What is f__mg$cache?

Before we dive into how f__mg$cache is used, it's important to understand what it is. The f__mg$cache class is an internal class that is used by Unity to manage data structures. It is not intended to be used directly by developers, but it is a crucial part of the engine's functionality nonetheless.

In general, the f__mg$cache class is used to store data that needs to be quickly accessed, such as sorting orders or animation clips. It is essentially a cache of frequently accessed data that can be retrieved quickly and efficiently without having to search through arrays or other data structures.

Using f__mg$cache in Unity

While f__mg$cache is an internal Unity class, there are still ways that developers can interact with it indirectly. For example, when you create a new Unity project and import assets into it, those assets are automatically added to the asset database. This asset database is essentially a big f__mg$cache, storing all of the relevant information about the assets that you've imported.

Another way to interact with f__mg$cache is through Unity's scripting API. The engine provides a number of functions and properties that allow you to access and modify data stored in f__mg$cache. For example, the AnimationClip property of the Animator class is actually a reference to an instance of f__mg$cache that stores information about the clip.


In conclusion, f__mg$cache is an internal Unity class that plays a critical role in managing data structures in the engine. While developers generally don't interact with it directly, understanding how it works can be helpful for optimizing your game's performance and avoiding unnecessary memory usage. By using Unity's scripting API and taking advantage of f__mg$cache's caching capabilities, you can build more efficient and powerful games.