📜  rhyme api - Lua (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:47:05.358000             🧑  作者: Mango

Rhyme API - Lua

Rhyme API is a powerful tool that allows developers to utilize a vast library of rhyming words in their Lua projects. This API is extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the functionality of your Lua application.


To begin using the Rhyme API in your Lua project, you will first need to install it. This can be done via LuaRocks, a package manager for Lua modules. To install Rhyme API, simply run the following command in your terminal:

luarocks install rhyme

Once the installation is complete, you can begin to use the Rhyme API in your Lua code.


To use the Rhyme API, you will first need to import it into your Lua file using the require function.

local rhyme = require("rhyme")

Once you have imported the Rhyme API, you can begin to call its functions.


The rhyme.rhyme function takes a single parameter, word, and returns a table containing all of the words in the Rhyme API library that rhyme with the given word.

local rhyming_words = rhyme.rhyme("cat")
-- rhyming_words = {"bat", "rat", "mat", "chat", ...}

The rhyme.syllables function takes a single parameter, word, and returns the number of syllables in the given word.

local syllable_count = rhyme.syllables("banana")
-- syllable_count = 3

The Rhyme API is a powerful Lua library that enables developers to add rhyming word functionality to their Lua projects. Its straightforward API and versatile functionality allow developers to quickly and easily add rhyme-related features to their applications.