📜  drush confi set with laguage - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:48.631000             🧑  作者: Mango

Drush Config Set with Language

Drush is a command line tool used to manage Drupal websites. One of its useful features is the ability to set site configuration values using the command drush config-set. In addition, it also has support for managing configuration with different languages.


To set a configuration value with a specific language, use the following command:


Where CONFIG_NAME is the name of the configuration object, CONFIG_KEY is the key of the configuration value, CONFIG_VALUE is the new value to set, and LANGUAGE_CODE is the language code to use.

For example, to set the site name for the French language, use the following command:

drush config-set system.site name "Mon site" --language=fr

This will update the name value of the system.site configuration object for the fr language.

Markdown Output

The following code block shows an example of how the output of the drush config-set command can be returned in Markdown format with the appropriate code block markup:

    [ok] Configuration object system.site updated.
      new: Mon site

Make sure to adjust the indentation in the Markdown code block to match the level of indentation used by Drush.