📜  Java AWT |流式布局

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:31.073000             🧑  作者: Mango

Java AWT |流式布局

FlowLayout 用于一个接一个地按顺序排列组件。小程序和面板的默认布局是 FlowLayout。


  1. FlowLayout() :它将构造一个居中对齐的新 FlowLayout。水平和垂直间隙将为 5 个像素。
  2. FlowLayout(int align) :它将构造一个具有给定对齐方式的新 FlowLayout。水平和垂直间隙将为 5 个像素。
  3. FlowLayout(int align, int HorizontalGap, int VerticalGap) :它将构造一个具有给定对齐方式的新 FlowLayout,组件之间的给定水平和垂直间隙。
  4. JLabel(String text) :它将创建一个带有指定文本的 JLabel 实例。


  1. setTitle(String Text) : 该方法用于设置 JFrame 的标题。您要设置的标题作为字符串传递。
  2. getAlignment() :返回此布局的对齐方式。
  3. setAlignment(int align) :用于设置此布局的对齐方式。
  4. removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) :用于从布局中删除作为参数传递的组件。

下面的程序将说明Java中 FlowLayout 的示例。

  1. 程序1:下面的程序通过在一个JFrame中排列几个JLabel组件来说明FlowLayout的使用,其实例类命名为“Example”。我们创建了 5 个名为“l1”、“l2”……“l5”的 JLabel 组件,然后通过 this.add() 方法将它们添加到 JFrame。我们通过 setTitle 和 setBounds 方法设置框架的标题和边界。
    布局由 setLayout() 方法设置;
    // Java program to show Example of FlowLayout.
    // in java. Importing different Package.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Example extends JFrame {
        // Declaration of objects of JLabel class.
        JLabel l1, l2, l3, l4, l5;
        // Constructor of Example class.
        public Example()
            // Creating Object of "FlowLayout" class
            FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout();
            // this Keyword refers to current object.
            // Function to set Layout of JFrame.
            // Initialization of object "l1" of JLabel class.
            l1 = new JLabel("Label 1  ");
            // Initialization of object "l2" of JLabel class.
            l2 = new JLabel("Label 2  ");
            // Initialization of object "l3" of JLabel class.
            l3 = new JLabel("Label 3  ");
            // Initialization of object "l4" of JLabel class.
            l4 = new JLabel("Label 4  ");
            // Initialization of object "l5" of JLabel class.
            l5 = new JLabel("Label 5  ");
            // this Keyword refers to current object.
            // Adding Jlabel "l1" on JFrame.
            // Adding Jlabel "l2" on JFrame.
            // Adding Jlabel "l3" on JFrame.
            // Adding Jlabel "l4" on JFrame.
            // Adding Jlabel "l5" on JFrame.
    class MainFrame {
        // Driver code
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Creating Object of Example class.
            Example f = new Example();
            // Function to set title of JFrame.
            f.setTitle("Example of FlowLayout");
            // Function to set Bounds of JFrame.
            f.setBounds(200, 100, 600, 400);
            // Function to set visible status of JFrame.


    通过使用这些 FlowLayout 字段,我们可以控制流布局排列中组件的对齐方式
    1) RIGHT :- 每行组件向右移动。
    2) LEFT :- 每行组件向左移动。

  2. 程序 2:下面的程序通过在 FLowLayout 的构造函数中传递参数 FlowLayout.RIGHT 来说明使用右对齐的 FlowLayout 的使用。我们创建了 5 个名为“l1”、“l2”……“l5”的 JLabel 组件,然后通过 this.add() 方法将它们添加到 JFrame。我们通过 setTitle 和 setBounds 方法设置框架的标题和边界。
    布局由 setLayout() 方法设置;
    // Java program to show example of
    // FlowLayout and using RIGHT alignment
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Example extends JFrame {
        // Declaration of objects of JLabel class.
        JLabel l1, l2, l3, l4, l5;
        // Constructor of Example class.
        public Example()
            // Creating Object of "FlowLayout" class, passing
            // RIGHT alignment through constructor.
            FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT);
            // this Keyword refers to current object.
            // Function to set Layout of JFrame.
            // Initialization of object "l1" of JLabel class.
            l1 = new JLabel("Label 1  ");
            // Initialization of object "l2" of JLabel class.
            l2 = new JLabel("Label 2  ");
            // Initialization of object "l3" of JLabel class.
            l3 = new JLabel("Label 3  ");
            // Initialization of object "l4" of JLabel class.
            l4 = new JLabel("Label 4  ");
            // Initialization of object "l5" of JLabel class.
            l5 = new JLabel("Label 5  ");
            // this Keyword refers to current object.
            // Adding Jlabel "l1" on JFrame.
            // Adding Jlabel "l2" on JFrame.
            // Adding Jlabel "l3" on JFrame.
            // Adding Jlabel "l4" on JFrame.
            // Adding Jlabel "l5" on JFrame.
    class MainFrame {
        // Driver code
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Creating Object of Example class.
            Example f = new Example();
            // Function to set title of JFrame.
            f.setTitle("Example of FlowLayout");
            // Function to set Bounds of JFrame.
            f.setBounds(200, 100, 600, 400);
            // Function to set visible status of JFrame.

