📜  频率复用

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:01.700000             🧑  作者: Mango




  • 频率复用提高了频谱效率和信号质量 (QoS)。
  • 为 GSM 系统提出的频率复用经典方案提供了对干扰的保护。
  • 频率可以重复使用的次数取决于附近使用相同频率的发射机的无线电信道的容限。
  • 在频率复用方案中,总带宽被划分为不同的子带,由小区使用。
  • 频率复用方案允许 WiMax 系统运算符在不同的小区站点复用相同的频率。



S = 可用的双工通道总数
k = 分配给每个小区的信道 (k N = 细胞总数或簇大小


S = kN 

Frequency Reuse Factor = 1/N

在上图中,簇大小为 7(A、B、C、D、E、F、G),因此频率重用因子为 1/7。

N 是共同使用完整可用频率集的小区数,称为集群。 N的值由以下公式计算:

N = I2 + I*J + J2 

其中I , J = 0,1,2,3…
因此,N 的可能值为 1、3、4、7、9、12、13、16、19 等。

如果一个集群在蜂窝系统内被复制或重复 M 次,那么容量 C 将是,

C = MkN = MS


D = R * (3 * N)1/2

R = 单元格的半径
N = 给定集群中的单元数


from math import *
# import everything from Tkinter module
from tkinter import *
# Base class for Hexagon shape
class Hexagon(object):
    def __init__(self, parent, x, y, length, color, tags):
        self.parent = parent
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.length = length
        self.color = color
        self.size = None
        self.tags = tags
    # draw one hexagon
    def draw_hex(self):
        start_x = self.x
        start_y = self.y
        angle = 60
        coords = []
        for i in range(6):
            end_x = start_x + self.length * cos(radians(angle * i))
            end_y = start_y + self.length * sin(radians(angle * i))
            coords.append([start_x, start_y])
            start_x = end_x
            start_y = end_y
# class holds frequency reuse logic and related methods
class FrequencyReuse(Tk):
    CANVAS_WIDTH = 800
    TOP_LEFT = (20, 20)
    BOTTOM_LEFT = (790, 560)
    TOP_RIGHT = (780, 20)
    BOTTOM_RIGHT = (780, 560)
    def __init__(self, cluster_size, columns=16, rows=10, edge_len=30):
        self.textbox = None
        self.curr_angle = 330
        self.first_click = True
        self.reset = False
        self.edge_len = edge_len
        self.cluster_size = cluster_size
        self.reuse_list = []
        self.all_selected = False
        self.curr_count = 0
        self.hexagons = []
        self.co_cell_endp = []
        self.reuse_xy = []
        self.canvas = Canvas(self,
        self.canvas.bind("", self.call_back)
        self.canvas.bind('', self.resets)
        self.title("Frequency reuse and co-channel selection")
        self.create_grid(16, 10)
    # show lines joining all co-channel cells
    def show_lines(self):
        # center(x,y) of first hexagon
        approx_center = self.co_cell_endp[0]
        self.line_ids = []
        for k in range(1, len(self.co_cell_endp)):
            end_xx = (self.co_cell_endp[k])[0]
            end_yy = (self.co_cell_endp[k])[1]
            # move i^th steps
            l_id = self.canvas.create_line(approx_center[0], approx_center[1],
                                        end_xx, end_yy)
            if j == 0:
                dist = 0
            elif i >= j and j != 0:
                dist = j
                # rotate counter-clockwise and move j^th step
                l_id = self.canvas.create_line(
                    end_xx, end_yy, end_xx + self.center_dist * dist *
                    cos(radians(self.curr_angle - 60)),
                    end_yy + self.center_dist * dist *
                    sin(radians(self.curr_angle - 60)))
            self.curr_angle -= 60
    def create_textbox(self):
        txt = Text(self.canvas,
                font=("Helvatica", 12),
        txt.tag_configure("center", justify="center")
        txt.insert("1.0", "Select a Hexagon")
        txt.tag_add("center", "1.0", "end")
        self.canvas.create_window((0, 600), anchor='w', window=txt)
        self.textbox = txt
    def resets(self, event):
        if event.char == 'R':
    # clear hexagonal grid for new i/p
    def reset_grid(self, button_reset=False):
        self.first_click = True
        self.curr_angle = 330
        self.curr_count = 0
        self.co_cell_endp = []
        self.reuse_list = []
        for i in self.hexagons:
            self.canvas.itemconfigure(i.tags, fill=i.color)
        except AttributeError:
            for i in self.line_ids:
                self.canvas.after(0, self.canvas.delete, i)
            self.line_ids = []
        if button_reset:
            self.write_text("Select a Hexagon")
    # create a grid of Hexagons
    def create_grid(self, cols, rows):
        size = self.edge_len
        for c in range(cols):
            if c % 2 == 0:
                offset = 0
                offset = size * sqrt(3) / 2
            for r in range(rows):
                x = c * (self.edge_len * 1.5) + 50
                y = (r * (self.edge_len * sqrt(3))) + offset + 15
                hx = Hexagon(self.canvas, x, y, self.edge_len, "#fafafa",
                            "{},{}".format(r, c))
    # calculate reuse distance, center distance and radius of the hexagon
    def cluster_reuse_calc(self):
        self.hex_radius = sqrt(3) / 2 * self.edge_len
        self.center_dist = sqrt(3) * self.hex_radius
        self.reuse_dist = self.hex_radius * sqrt(3 * self.cluster_size)
    def write_text(self, text):
        self.textbox.delete('1.0', END)
        self.textbox.insert('1.0', text, "center")
    #check if the co-channels are within visible canvas
    def is_within_bound(self, coords):
        if self.TOP_LEFT[0] < coords[0] < self.BOTTOM_RIGHT[0] \
        and self.TOP_RIGHT[1] < coords[1] < self.BOTTOM_RIGHT[1]:
            return True
        return False
    #gets called when user selects a hexagon
    #This function applies frequency reuse logic in order to
    #figure out the positions of the co-channels
    def call_back(self, evt):
        selected_hex_id = self.canvas.find_closest(evt.x, evt.y)[0]
        hexagon = self.hexagons[int(selected_hex_id - 1)]
        s_x, s_y = hexagon.x, hexagon.y
        approx_center = (s_x + 15, s_y + 25)
        if self.first_click:
            self.first_click = False
                """Now, select another hexagon such 
                   that it should be a co-cell of
                   the original hexagon."""
            self.canvas.itemconfigure(hexagon.tags, fill="green")
            for _ in range(6):
                end_xx = approx_center[0] + self.center_dist * i * cos(
                end_yy = approx_center[1] + self.center_dist * i * sin(
                reuse_x = end_xx + (self.center_dist * j) * cos(
                    radians(self.curr_angle - 60))
                reuse_y = end_yy + (self.center_dist * j) * sin(
                    radians(self.curr_angle - 60))
                if not self.is_within_bound((reuse_x, reuse_y)):
                        """co-cells are exceeding canvas boundary.
                           Select cell in the center"""
                if j == 0:
                        self.canvas.find_closest(end_xx, end_yy)[0])
                elif i >= j and j != 0:
                        self.canvas.find_closest(reuse_x, reuse_y)[0])
                self.co_cell_endp.append((end_xx, end_yy))
                self.curr_angle -= 60
            curr = self.canvas.find_closest(s_x, s_y)[0]
            if curr in self.reuse_list:
                self.canvas.itemconfigure(hexagon.tags, fill="green")
                self.write_text("Correct! Cell {} is a co-cell.".format(
                if self.curr_count == len(self.reuse_list) - 1:
                    self.write_text("Great! Press Shift-R to restart")
                self.curr_count += 1
                self.write_text("Incorrect! Cell {} is not a co-cell.".format(
                self.canvas.itemconfigure(hexagon.tags, fill="red")
if __name__ == '__main__':
        """Enter i & j values. common (i,j) values are: 
           (1,0), (1,1), (2,0), (2,1), (3,0), (2,2)"""
    i = int(input("Enter i: "))
    j = int(input("Enter j: "))
    if i == 0 and j == 0:
        raise ValueError("i & j both cannot be zero")
    elif j > i:
        raise ValueError("value of j cannot be greater than i")
        N = (i**2 + i * j + j**2)
        print("N is {}".format(N))
    freqreuse = FrequencyReuse(cluster_size=N)
Enter i & j values
i: 2
j: 1
