📜  gh clone - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:41:24.458000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to 'gh clone' Command


'gh clone' is a popular command used by programmers to clone repositories from GitHub using the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface). It allows developers to easily create a local copy of a remote repository on their machine, facilitating collaborative development, version control, and code sharing.


The basic syntax of 'gh clone' command is as follows:

gh clone [options] <repository_url> [<directory>]
  • [options]: The various options available to customize the cloning behavior.
  • <repository_url>: The URL of the repository to be cloned.
  • <directory>: (Optional) The directory where the repository should be cloned. If not provided, the repository is cloned into a directory with the same name as the repository.
Features and Usage
  1. Cloning a repository:

    gh clone https://github.com/user/repo

    This command clones the repository specified by the URL into a directory with the same name as the repository.

  2. Cloning a repository into a specific directory:

    gh clone https://github.com/user/repo my-directory

    This command clones the repository into the my-directory folder.

  3. Cloning a specific branch:

    gh clone --branch <branch_name> https://github.com/user/repo

    Using the --branch option, you can clone a specific branch of the repository.

  4. Specifying a Git protocol:

    gh clone --protocol <protocol> https://github.com/user/repo

    You can use the --protocol option to clone the repository using a specific Git protocol, such as https or ssh.

  5. Cloning a repository from a custom Git host:

    gh clone --git <git_host> https://customgit.com/user/repo

    The --git option allows you to clone from a custom Git host rather than the default GitHub.


The 'gh clone' command is an essential tool for programmers to clone GitHub repositories onto their local machine. Whether you want to clone a specific branch, specify a protocol, or clone from a custom Git host, 'gh clone' provides flexibility and convenience in managing your codebases efficiently.