📜  带有示例的 Scala Queue +=:() 方法(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:54:05.014000             🧑  作者: Mango

Scala Queue +=:() 方法

Scala中的Queue是一种常见的数据结构,它是一个先进先出(FIFO)的集合。Scala Queue类中有许多方法可以用于操作队列,其中一个唯一的方法是+=:()。

1.+=:() 方法介绍



import scala.collection.mutable.Queue

val queue = Queue(1, 2, 3)
val newQueue = 0 +=: queue

println(queue) // Queue(1, 2, 3)
println(newQueue) // Queue(0, 1, 2, 3)



import scala.collection.mutable.Queue

val emptyQueue = Queue.empty[Int]
val newQueue = 0 +=: emptyQueue

println(emptyQueue) // Queue()
println(newQueue) // Queue(0)


2.+=:() 方法源码


def +=:(elem: A): this.type = {



/** A class representing an element of the linked list forming the basis
 *  of a queue internally.
private[mutable] final class QueueNode[A](private[this] var _elem: A) {
  private[this] var _next: QueueNode[A] = _
  def elem = _elem
  def next = _next
  def next_=(x: QueueNode[A]) = _next = x
  def elem_=(x: A) = _elem = x

/** A linked list based mutable queue.
 *  This class provides constant time enqueue and dequeue operations.
 *  Type paramters:
 *    - A the type of the elements contained in this queue.
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @version 2.8
 *  @since   1
 *  @define Coll Queue
 *  @define coll queue
 *  @define thatinfo the class of the returned collection. In the standard library configuration,
 *    `That` is always `Queue[U]` because an implicit of type `CanBuildFrom[Queue, U, Queue[U]]`
 *    is defined in object `Queue`.
 *  @define CannotRemoveUndefinedElement
final class Queue[A] private (private[this] var first: QueueNode[A], private[this] var last0:QueueNode[A])
  extends AbstractIterable[A]
    with scala.collection.mutable.Queue[A]
    with scala.collection.Iterable[A]
    with scala.collection.generic.GenericTraversableTemplate[A, Queue]
    with scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized[A, Queue[A]]
    with Serializable {

  override def companion: GenericCompanion[Queue] = Queue

  @deprecated("Use `isEmpty` instead of `empty`", "2.11.0")
  def empty: Boolean = isEmpty

  def this() = this(null, null)   // deferred - let first, last be nulls

  /** Returns the first element in the queue, and removes this element
   *  from the queue.
   *  @return the first element of the queue.
   *  @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if the queue is empty.
  def dequeue(): A =
    if (isEmpty) throw new NoSuchElementException("queue empty")
    else {
      val res = first.elem
      first = first.next
      if (first eq null) last0 = null

  /** Returns the first element in the queue which satisfies the
   *  given predicate, and removes this element from the queue.
   *  @param  p   the predicate used for choosing the first element
   *  @return the first element of the queue for which p yields true
   *  @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if no element exists such that
   *          p yields true
  def dequeueFirst(p: A => Boolean): A = {
    if (isEmpty) throw new NoSuchElementException("queue empty")
    else {
      var cur = first
      if (p(cur.elem)) {
        first = first.next
        if (first eq null) last0 = null
      else {
        while ((cur.next ne null) && !p(cur.next.elem))
          cur = cur.next
        if (cur.next eq null)
          throw new NoSuchElementException("queue empty")
        val res = cur.next.elem
        if (cur.next eq last0) last0 = cur
        cur.next = cur.next.next
  /** Returns a regular scala.collection.immutable.Queue containing
   *  the same elements.
  def to[Col[_]](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, A, Col[A]]): Col[A] = this.iterator.to(cbf)


Scala Queue +=:()方法是一种添加元素到Queue前面的方法。它将一个元素添加到一个已有的队列的前面。这个方法是Queue类中的唯一的方法。该方法返回一个队列,该队列与原来的Queue相同,只是多了一个新元素。使用+=:()方法,我们可以创建一个空的Queue对象,并将元素添加到队列中。
