Android Studio提供了一个平台,可以在该平台上构建适用于Android手机,平板电脑,Android Wear,Android TV和Android Auto的应用程序。 Android Studio是用于Android应用程序开发的官方IDE,它基于IntelliJ IDEA 。可以使用Kotlin或Java作为后端语言来开发Android应用程序,并且它提供用于开发前端屏幕的XML。
In computing, a plug-in is a software component that adds a particular characteristic to an existing computer program. When a program supports plug-ins, it enables customization. Plugins are a great way to increase productivity and overall programming experience.
通过使用android studio中的插件,有些任务很无聊,而且很无聊,您可以在更短的时间内完成更多的工作。以下是表中一些非常有用的插件的列表,强烈建议Android开发人员使用。
Plugins |
Description |
Key Promoter X | Key Promoter X helps to get the necessary shortcuts while working on android projects. When the developers use the mouse on a button inside the IDE, the Key Promoter X shows the keyboard shortcut that you should have used instead. |
Json To Kotlin Class | Json to Kotlin Class is a plugin to generate Kotlin data class from JSON string, in another word, a plugin that converts JSON string to Kotlin data class. With this, you can generate a Kotlin data class from the JSON string programmatically. |
Rainbow Brackets | Rainbow Brackets adds rainbow brackets and rainbows parentheses to the code. Color coding the brackets makes it simpler to obtain paired brackets so that the developers don’t get lost in a sea of identical brackets. This is a very helpful tool and saves the confusion of selecting which bracket needs to be closed. |
CodeGlance | Codeglance plugin illustrates a zoomed-out overview or minimap similar to the one found in Sublime into the editor pane. The minimap enables fast scrolling letting you jump straight to sections of code. |
ADB Idea | ADB Idea is a plugin for Android Studio and Intellij IDEA that speeds up the regular android development. It allows shortcuts for different emulator functionalities that are usually very time consuming, like resetting our app data, uninstalling our app, or starting the debugger. |
在Android Studio中安装和卸载插件的分步过程
步骤1:打开Android Studio,然后转到“文件”>“设置” ,如下图所示。
Note: There might be a need to Restart the Android Studio. For example, you may refer to How to Install Genymotion Plugin to Android Studio.
完成这些简短步骤后,您就可以在Android Studio上安装插件并正常工作了。同样,如果要禁用或卸载已安装的插件,请执行最后一步。
步骤3:这次要禁用或卸载插件,请转到“已安装”选项卡。在这里,您可以找到android studio中所有已安装的插件。只需单击您要禁用或卸载的插件即可。然后选择右侧的“禁用”或“卸载”按钮,如下图所示。最后,单击“确定”按钮,您就完成了。
Note: There might be a need to Restart the Android Studio.