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📜  检查数字是否可被47整除

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-13 21:54:13             🧑  作者: Mango

给定数字N ,任务是检查数字是否可被47整除。


方法: 47的可除性检验为:

  1. 提取最后一位数字。
  2. 从除去最后一位后获得的剩余号码中减去14 *最后一位。
  3. 重复上述步骤,直到获得两位数字或零。
  4. 如果两位数可被47整除或为0,则原始数字也可被47整除。


If N = 59173

Step 1:
  N = 59173
  Last digit = 3
  Remaining number = 5917
  Subtracting 14 times last digit
  Resultant number = 5917 - 14*3 = 5875

Step 2:
  N = 5875
  Last digit = 5
  Remaining number = 587
  Subtracting 14 times last digit
  Resultant number = 587 - 14*5 = 517

Step 3:
  N = 517
  Last digit = 7
  Remaining number = 51
  Subtracting 14 times last digit
  Resultant number = 51 - 14*7 = -47

Step 4:
  N = -47
  Since N is a two-digit number,
  and -47 is divisible by 47

Therefore N = 59173 is also divisible by 47


// C++ program to check whether a number
// is divisible by 47 or not
using namespace std;
// Function to check if the number is  divisible by 47 or not 
bool isDivisible(int n)  
    int d;
    // While there are at least two digits 
    while (n / 100) 
        // Extracting the last 
        d = n % 10;
        // Truncating the number 
        n /= 10;
        // Subtracting fourteen times the last 
        // digit to the remaining number 
        n = abs(n-(d * 14));
    // Finally return if the two-digit
    // number is divisible by 47 or not
    return (n % 47 == 0) ;
// Driver Code 
int main() {
    int N = 59173;
    if (isDivisible(N)) 

// Java program to check whether a number
// is divisible by 47 or not
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to check if the number is  divisible by 47 or not 
static boolean isDivisible(int n)  
    int d;
    // While there are at least two digits 
    while ((n / 100) > 0) 
        // Extracting the last 
        d = n % 10;
        // Truncating the number 
        n /= 10;
        // Subtracting fourteen times the last 
        // digit to the remaining number 
        n = Math.abs(n - (d * 14));
    // Finally return if the two-digit
    // number is divisible by 47 or not
    return (n % 47 == 0) ;
// Driver Code 
public static void main(String[] args) {
    int N = 59173;
    if (isDivisible(N)) 
        System.out.print("Yes") ;
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

Python 3
# Python program to check if a number
# is divisible by 47 or not
# Function to check if the number is 
# divisible by 47 or not 
def isDivisible(n) : 
    # While there are at least two digits 
    while n // 100 : 
        # Extracting the last 
        d = n % 10
        # Truncating the number 
        n //= 10
        # Subtracting fourteen times the last 
        # digit to the remaining number 
        n = abs(n- (d * 14))
    # Finally return if the two-digit
    # number is divisible by 43 or not
    return (n % 47 == 0) 
# Driver Code 
if __name__ == "__main__" : 
    n = 59173
    if (isDivisible(n)) : 
    else : 

// C# program to check whether a number
// is divisible by 47 or not
using System; 
class GFG 
// Function to check if the number is divisible by 47 or not 
static bool isDivisible(int n) 
    int d;
    // While there are at least two digits 
    while (n / 100 > 0) 
        // Extracting the last 
        d = n % 10;
        // Truncating the number 
        n /= 10;
        // Subtracting fourteen times the last 
        // digit to the remaining number 
        n = Math.Abs(n - (d * 14));
    // Finally return if the two-digit
    // number is divisible by 47 or not
    return (n % 47 == 0);
// Driver Code 
public static void Main() 
    int N = 59173;
    if (isDivisible(N)) 
// This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29.
