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📜  从给定字符串生成所有可能的有效IP地址的程序|套装2

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-24 20:21:32             🧑  作者: Mango




  1. 仅选择一个数字,添加一个点,然后移至选择其他块(其他函数调用)。
  2. 或同时选择两个数字,添加一个点并进一步移动。
  3. 或选择三个连续的数字并移动到下一个块。



// C++ implementation of the approach
using namespace std;
// Function to get all the valid ip-addresses
void GetAllValidIpAddress(vector& result,
                          string givenString, int index,
                          int count, string ipAddress)
    // If index greater than givenString size
    // and we have four block
    if (givenString.size() == index && count == 4) {
        // Remove the last dot
        // Add ip-address to the results
    // To add one index to ip-address
    if (givenString.size() < index + 1)
    // Select one digit and call the
    // same function for other blocks
    ipAddress = ipAddress
                + givenString.substr(index, 1) + '.';
    GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString, index + 1,
                         count + 1, ipAddress);
    // Backtrack to generate another poosible ip address
    // So we remove two index (one for the digit
    // and other for the dot) from the end
    ipAddress.erase(ipAddress.end() - 2, ipAddress.end());
    // Select two consecutive digits and call
    // the same function for other blocks
    if (givenString.size() < index + 2
        || givenString[index] == '0')
    ipAddress = ipAddress + givenString.substr(index, 2) + '.';
    GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString, index + 2,
                         count + 1, ipAddress);
    // Backtrack to generate another poosible ip address
    // So we remove three index from the end
    ipAddress.erase(ipAddress.end() - 3, ipAddress.end());
    // Select three consecutive digits and call
    // the same function for other blocks
    if (givenString.size() < index + 3
        || stoi(givenString.substr(index, 3)) > 255)
    ipAddress += givenString.substr(index, 3) + '.';
    GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString, index + 3,
                         count + 1, ipAddress);
    // Backtrack to generate another poosible ip address
    // So we remove four index from the end
    ipAddress.erase(ipAddress.end() - 4, ipAddress.end());
// Driver code
int main()
    string givenString = "25525511135";
    // Fill result vector with all valid ip-addresses
    vector result;
    GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString, 0, 0, "");
    // Print all the generated ip-addresses
    for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
        cout << result[i] << "\n";

# Python3 implementation of the approach 
# Function to get all the valid ip-addresses 
def GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString,
                         index, count, ipAddress) :
    # If index greater than givenString size 
    # and we have four block 
    if (len(givenString) == index and count == 4) :
        # Remove the last dot 
        # Add ip-address to the results 
    # To add one index to ip-address 
    if (len(givenString) < index + 1) :
    # Select one digit and call the 
    # same function for other blocks 
    ipAddress = (ipAddress + 
                 givenString[index : index + 1] + ['.']); 
    GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString, index + 1,
                                 count + 1, ipAddress); 
    # Backtrack to generate another poosible ip address 
    # So we remove two index (one for the digit 
    # and other for the dot) from the end 
    ipAddress = ipAddress[:-2];
    # Select two consecutive digits and call 
    # the same function for other blocks 
    if (len(givenString) < index + 2 or 
            givenString[index] == '0') :
    ipAddress = ipAddress + givenString[index:index + 2] + ['.']; 
    GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString, index + 2, 
                                  count + 1, ipAddress); 
    # Backtrack to generate another poosible ip address 
    # So we remove three index from the end 
    ipAddress = ipAddress[:-3]; 
    # Select three consecutive digits and call 
    # the same function for other blocks 
    if (len(givenString)< index + 3 or 
        int("".join(givenString[index:index + 3])) > 255) :
    ipAddress += givenString[index:index + 3] + ['.']; 
    GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString, 
                         index + 3, count + 1, ipAddress); 
    # Backtrack to generate another poosible ip address 
    # So we remove four index from the end 
    ipAddress = ipAddress[:-4]; 
# Driver code 
if __name__ == "__main__" : 
    givenString = list("25525511135"); 
    # Fill result vector with all valid ip-addresses 
    result = [] ; 
    GetAllValidIpAddress(result, givenString, 0, 0, []); 
    # Print all the generated ip-addresses 
    for i in range(len(result)) :
# This code is contributed by Ankitrai01


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