📜  ASP.Net LinkButton(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:22.419000             🧑  作者: Mango

ASP.Net LinkButton

The LinkButton control in ASP.Net is a server-side control that behaves like a hyperlink but can be easily customized to perform various types of actions. It is commonly used to create clickable links that perform some server-side tasks such as loading data, navigating to other pages, etc.

Properties of LinkButton control

Some important properties of the LinkButton control are:

  • Text: This property is used to set the text that appears on the link button.
  • CssClass: Used to set the CSS class for the link button.
  • PostBackUrl: Used to navigate to another page or pass data using the HTTP POST method.
  • CommandName and CommandArgument: Used to pass additional information along with the Click event of the LinkButton control.
Example usage
<asp:LinkButton ID="myLinkButton" runat="server" Text="Click me!" OnClick="myLinkButton_Click" />

In the code behind, you can handle the OnClick event of the LinkButton.

protected void myLinkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // perform some server-side tasks on button click

You can also customize the appearance of the LinkButton control by using CSS.

<asp:LinkButton ID="myLinkButton" runat="server" Text="Click me!" CssClass="my-link-button" />
.my-link-button {
    color: blue;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-bottom: 1px solid blue;
    padding-bottom: 2px;

This will create a link button with blue color, no underline, a blue bottom border and a small padding below the text.


The LinkButton control provides a simple way to create clickable links with server-side functionality. It is a versatile control that can be customized to suit various web development needs.