头文件graphics.h包含linerel()函数,该函数绘制从当前位置(x_pos1,y_pos1)到与当前位置相对距离(x,y)的点的线,然后使当前位置前进( x,y)。
句法 :
linerel(int x, int y);
The end position is calculated as :
x_pos2 = x_pos1 + x;
y_pos2 = y_pos1 + y;
例子 :
输入:x_pos1 = 0,y_pos1 = 0,x = 200,y = 100输出: 输入:x_pos1 = 100,y_pos1 = 150,x = 150,y = 60输出:
// C Implementation for linerel()
// driver code
int main()
// gm is Graphics mode which is
// a computer display mode that
// generates image using pixels.
// DETECT is a macro defined in
// "graphics.h" header file
int gd = DETECT, gm;
char arr[100];
// initgraph initializes the
// graphics system by loading a
// graphics driver from disk
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
// linerel function
linerel(200, 100);
// sprintf stands for “String print”.
// Instead of printing on console,
// it store output on char buffer
// which are specified in sprintf
sprintf(arr, "Current x position = %d and "
"y position = %d", getx(), gety());
// outtext function displays
// text at current position.
outtextxy(100, 150, arr);
// closegraph function closes the
// graphics mode and deallocates
// all memory allocated by
// graphics system .
return 0;
输出 :
// C Implementation for linerel()
// driver code
int main()
// gm is Graphics mode which is
// a computer display mode that
// generates image using pixels.
// DETECT is a macro defined in
// "graphics.h" header file
int gd = DETECT, gm;
char arr[100];
// initgraph initializes the
// graphics system by loading a
// graphics driver from disk
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
// Change current position using
// moveto function
moveto(100, 150);
// linerel function
linerel(150, 60);
// sprintf stands for “String print”.
// Instead of printing on console,
// it store output on char buffer
// which are specified in sprintf
sprintf(arr, "Current x position = %d and "
"y position = %d", getx(), gety());
// outtext function displays
// text at current position.
outtextxy(100, 150, arr);
// closegraph function closes the
// graphics mode and deallocates
// all memory allocated by
// graphics system .
return 0;
输出 :