📜  C考试管理系统

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-26 02:22:57             🧑  作者: Mango


  • 添加/删除学生的详细信息
  • 学生出勤监控
  • 设置/编辑考试的资格标准
  • 检查符合条件的学生进行考试
  • 打印学生的所有记录


  1. execute():此函数将显示软件的可用选项,并将使用Switch语句执行以下功能。
    • 添加学生详细信息
    • 显示合格的学生
    • 删除学生记录
    • 更新资格标准
    • 打印学生详细信息
  2. add():此函数从用户获取数据并更新学生列表。将学生添加到列表中时,检查学生的卷号的唯一性。要添加的学生的详细信息是:
    • 学生的名字
    • 卷号
    • 费用状态
    • 学生出勤记录
  3. qualitedStudents():此函数显示考试所需的先前出勤百分比,并从用户那里获取数据并更新考试的资格。它还通过遍历学生记录列表来更新考试资格所需的费用状态,并且对于每个学生检查,出勤率均超出所需的百分比和学生的费用状态。
  4. print_student():此函数遍历学生列表并打印学生的详细信息。
  5. delete():此函数获取学生成绩编号以删除学生记录并更新学生列表。


// Function that adds the student's
// record in Examination Management
// Project
void add(struct student s[50])
    printf("Enter the total ");
    printf("number of working days \n");
    scanf("%f", &tdays);
    printf("Enter the number"
           "of students \n");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        printf("Student number %d \n",
               (i + 1));
        printf("Enter the name of"
               " the student \n");
        scanf("%s", s[i].name);
        printf("Enter the roll number \n");
        scanf(" %d", &s[i].rno);
        printf("Enter the fees of the"
               "student 'P' for paid "
               ", 'N' for not paid \n");
        scanf(" %c", &s[i].fees);
        printf("Enter the number of"
               "days the student was "
               "present \n");
        scanf("%f", &s[i].days);
        s[i].attend = (s[i].days
                       / tdays)
                      * 100;
        printf("student attendence"
               " = %f \n",

// Function to execute the Examination
// Management System
void execute()
    printf("Enter the serial number "
           "to select the option \n");
    printf(" 1. To show Eligible"
           "candidates \n");
    printf(" 2. To delete the "
           "student record \n");
    printf(" 3. To change the "
           "eligibility criteria \n");
    printf(" 4. Reset the "
           "eligibility criteria \n");
    printf(" 5. Print the list "
           "of all the student \n");
    printf(" Enter 0 to exit \n");
    scanf("%d", &option);
    // Switch Statement for choosing
    // the desired option for user
    switch (option) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
        printf("Old Attendance "
               "required = %f",
            "\n Enter the updated "
            "attendence required \n");
        scanf("%f", &present);
        printf("fees status required"
               " was %c \n",
        printf("Enter the new fees "
               "status 'P' for paid 'N' "
               "for not paid and "
               "'B' for both \n");
        scanf("%c", &money);
        printf("Eligibility Criteria"
               " updated \n");
    case 4:
        present = 75.00;
        money = 'P';
        printf("Eligibility Criteria"
               " reset \n");
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 0:
        printf("Enter number only"
               " from 0 - 4 \n");

// Function to print the student
// details of the eligible students
void eligibleStudents(struct student s[])
           "_____________ \n");
    printf("Qualified student are = \n");
    // Iterate over the list of the
    // students records
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // Condition to check the
        // eligibility of the student
        if (s[i].fees == money || 'B' == money) {
            if (s[i].attend >= present) {
                printf("Student name = %s \n",
                printf("Student roll no. = %d \n",
                printf(" Student fees = %c \n",
                printf(" Student attendence = %f \n",

// Function to delete any Student Record
void delete (struct student s[])
    int a = 0;
    printf("Enter the roll number of"
           "the student to delete it ");
    scanf("%d", &a);
    // Iterate over the student's
    // records to delete the Data
    for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        // Check the current student
        // roll number is same as the
        // user input roll number
        if (s[i].rno == (a)) {
            // Update record at ith index
            // with (i + 1)th index
            for (j = i; j < n; j++) {
                       s[j + 1].name);
                s[j].rno = s[j + 1].rno;
                s[j].fees = s[j + 1].fees;
                s[j].days = s[j + 1].days;
                s[j].attend = s[j + 1].attend;
            printf("Student Record deleted");

// Function to print the students record
void print_student(struct student s[])
    // Iterate over the students
    // students records
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        printf("Name of student %s \n",
        printf("Student roll number = %d \n",
        printf("Student fees status = %c \n",
        printf("student number of days "
               "present = %d \n",
        printf("Student attendence = %f \n",

Complete Code
// C program for the Examination
// Management System
int option = 0;
int i = 0;
int n = 0;
int j = 0;
float present = 75.00;
char money = 'P';
float tdays = 1;
// Structure of Student
struct student {
    char name[20];
    int rno;
    char fees;
    float days;
    float attend;
} s[50];
// Functions
void add(struct student s[]);
void eligibleStudents(struct student s[]);
void execute();
void printStudents(struct student s[]);
void deleteRecord(struct student s[]);
// Function to execute the software
// for the student examination
// registration system
void execute()
        " Enter the serial number"
        "to select the option \n");
    printf(" 1. To show Eligible"
           "candidates \n");
    printf(" 2. To delete the "
           "student record \n");
    printf(" 3. To change the "
           "eligibility criteria \n");
    printf(" 4. Reset the "
           "eligibility criteria \n");
    printf(" 5. Print the list "
           "of all the student \n");
    printf(" Enter 0 to exit \n");
    scanf("%d", &option);
    // Switch Statement for choosing
    // the desired option for the user
    switch (option) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
        printf("Old Attendance "
               "required = %f",
            "\n Enter the updated "
            "attendence required \n");
        scanf("%f", &present);
        printf("fees status required"
               " was %c \n",
        printf("Enter the new fees "
               "status 'P' for paid 'N' "
               "for not paid and "
               "'B' for both \n");
        scanf("%c", &money);
        printf("Eligibility Criteria updated \n");
    case 4:
        present = 75.00;
        money = 'P';
        printf("Eligibility creitria reset \n");
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 0:
        printf("Enter number only from 0-4 \n");
// Function to print the students record
void printStudents(struct student s[])
    // Loop to iterate over the students
    // students records
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        printf("Name of student %s \n",
        printf("Student roll number = %d \n",
        printf("Student fees status = %c \n",
        printf("Student number of days "
               "present = %f \n",
        printf("Student attendence = %f \n",
// Function to Student Record
void deleteRecord(struct student s[])
    int a = 0;
    printf("Enter the roll number of "
           "the student to delete it ");
    scanf("%d", &a);
    // Loop to iterate over the students
    // records to delete the Data
    for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        // Condition to check the current
        // student roll number is same as
        // the user input roll number
        if (s[i].rno == (a)) {
            // Update record at ith index
            // with (i + 1)th index
            for (j = i; j < n; j++) {
                strcpy(s[j].name, s[j + 1].name);
                s[j].rno = s[j + 1].rno;
                s[j].fees = s[j + 1].fees;
                s[j].days = s[j + 1].days;
                s[j].attend = s[j + 1].attend;
            printf("Student Record deleted");
// Function to print the student
// details of the eligible students
void eligibleStudents(struct student s[])
           "_____________ \n");
    printf("Qualified student are = \n");
    // Iterate over the list
    // of the students records
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // Check for the eligibility
        // of the student
        if (s[i].fees == money || 'B' == money) {
            if (s[i].attend >= present) {
                printf("Student name = %s \n",
                printf("Student roll no. = %d \n",
                printf(" Student fees = %c \n",
                printf(" Student attendence = %f \n",
// Function to add the students record
void add(struct student s[50])
    printf("Enter the total ");
    printf("number of working days \n");
    scanf("%f", &tdays);
    printf("Enter the number");
    printf("of students \n");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        printf("Student number %d \n",
               (i + 1));
        printf("Enter the name of"
               " the student \n");
        scanf("%s", s[i].name);
        printf("Enter the roll number \n");
        scanf(" %d", &s[i].rno);
        printf("Enter the fees of the"
               "student 'P' for paid "
               ", 'N' for not paid \n");
        scanf(" %c", &s[i].fees);
        printf("Enter the number of"
               "days the student was "
               "present \n");
        scanf("%f", &s[i].days);
        s[i].attend = (s[i].days
                       / tdays)
                      * 100;
        printf("student attendence = %f \n",
// Driver Code
int main()
    printf("Welcome to Student "
           "database registration \n");
    printf("Enter 0 to exit \n");
    printf("Enter 1 to add student"
           " record \n");
    scanf("%d", &option);
    // Switch Statements
    switch (option) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
        printf("Only enter 0 or 1");
    return 0;


  • 要添加学生的详细信息,请执行以下操作:
  • 对于符合条件的学生:
  • 资格标准:
  • 打印学生的详细信息:
  • 删除学生记录:
