📜  使用文件处理的C员工记录系统

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-28 03:52:10             🧑  作者: Mango

员工记录系统是为处理公司的主要内务管理功能而构建的软件。 ERS帮助公司跟踪所有员工及其记录。它用于通过计算机系统来管理公司。该软件可处理任何公司的员工记录。它将帮助公司跟踪文件中所有员工的记录。


  • 添加新记录。
  • 删除记录。
  • 修改记录。
  • 查看所有记录。
  • 出口。


  • 名称。
  • 年龄。
  • 薪水。
  • 员工ID。



  • 开头的框架由应用程序和开发人员的名称组成:它是使用一些printf语句和一个名为system()的预定义函数创建的。 system()函数是C / C++标准库的一部分。它用于传递可以在命令处理器或操作系统终端中执行的命令,并在命令完成后最终返回该命令。
  • 系统(“颜色3F”)将更改控制台的颜色,即背景(3)和控制台上的文本,即前景(F)。
  • 系统(“ pause” )将暂停屏幕,因此用户将收到一条消息:按任意键继续。 。 。
  • gotoxy()函数:将有助于设置显示数据的坐标。
  • 开关盒开关盒下的所需函数将根据用户的输入执行。使用简单的文件处理概念(例如打开文件,关闭文件,写入文件和读取文件等)来开发代码。


// C program for  the above approach
// Structure of the employee
struct emp {
    char name[50];
    float salary;
    int age;
    int id;
struct emp e;
// size of the structure
long int size = sizeof(e);
// In the start coordinates
// will be 0, 0
COORD cord = { 0, 0 };
// function to set the
// coordinates
void gotoxy(int x, int y)
    cord.X = x;
    cord.Y = y;
FILE *fp, *ft;
// Function to add the records
void addrecord()
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    char another = 'y';
    while (another == 'y') {
        printf("\nEnter Name : ");
        scanf("%s", e.name);
        printf("\nEnter Age : ");
        scanf("%d", &e.age);
        printf("\nEnter Salary : ");
        scanf("%f", &e.salary);
        printf("\nEnter EMP-ID : ");
        scanf("%d", &e.id);
        fwrite(&e, size, 1, fp);
        printf("\nWant to add another"
               " record (Y/N) : ");
        scanf("%c", &another);
// Function to delete the records
void deleterecord()
    char empname[50];
    char another = 'y';
    while (another == 'y') {
        printf("\nEnter employee "
               "name to delete : ");
        scanf("%s", empname);
        ft = fopen("temp.txt", "wb");
        while (fread(&e, size,
                     1, fp)
               == 1) {
            if (strcmp(e.name,
                != 0)
                fwrite(&e, size, 1, ft);
        rename("temp.txt", "data.txt");
        fp = fopen("data.txt", "rb+");
        printf("\nWant to delete another"
               " record (Y/N) :");
        another = getche();
// Function to display the record
void displayrecord()
    // sets pointer to start
    // of the file
           e.name, e.age,
           e.salary, e.id);
    while (fread(&e, size, 1, fp) == 1)
               e.name, e.age, e.salary, e.id);
// Function to modify the record
void modifyrecord()
    char empname[50];
    char another = 'y';
    while (another == 'y') {
        printf("\nEnter employee name"
               " to modify : ");
        scanf("%s", empname);
        // While File is open
        while (fread(&e, size, 1, fp) == 1) {
            // Compare the employee name
            // with ename
            if (strcmp(e.name, empname) == 0) {
                printf("\nEnter new name:");
                scanf("%s", e.name);
                printf("\nEnter new age :");
                scanf("%d", &e.age);
                printf("\nEnter new salary :");
                scanf("%f", &e.salary);
                printf("\nEnter new EMP-ID :");
                scanf("%d", &e.id);
                fseek(fp, -size, SEEK_CUR);
                fwrite(&e, size, 1, fp);
        // Ask for modifying another record
        printf("\nWant to modify another"
               " record (Y/N) :");
        scanf("%c", &another);
// Driver code
int main()
    int choice;
    // opening the file
    fp = fopen("data.txt", "rb+");
    // showing error if file is
    // unable to open.
    if (fp == NULL) {
        fp = fopen("data.txt", "wb+");
        if (fp == NULL) {
            printf("\nCannot open file...");
    system("Color 3F");
    printf("\n\t\t\t\t[|:::>:::>:::>::>  "
           "EMPLOYEE RECORD  <::<:::<:::"
           "Developer : @Sushant_Gaurav"
    while (1) {
        // Clearing console and asking the
        // user for input
        gotoxy(30, 10);
        printf("\n1. ADD RECORD\n");
        gotoxy(30, 12);
        printf("\n2. DELETE RECORD\n");
        gotoxy(30, 14);
        printf("\n3. DISPLAY RECORDS\n");
        gotoxy(30, 16);
        printf("\n4. MODIFY RECORD\n");
        gotoxy(30, 18);
        printf("\n5. EXIT\n");
        gotoxy(30, 20);
        printf("\nENTER YOUR CHOICE...\n");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
        // Switch Case
        switch (choice) {
        case 1:
            // Add the records
        case 2:
            // Delete the records
        case 3:
            // Display the records
        case 4:
            // Modify the records
        case 5:
            printf("\nINVALID CHOICE...\n");
    return 0;


  • 首先显示软件名称:
  • 显示所有选项:
  • 添加记录:
  • 显示记录:
  • 删除记录:
  • 删除后记录:
  • 修改或编辑记录:
  • 修改后记录:
