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📜  在C#中查找指定范围的结束索引

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-29 16:59:12             🧑  作者: Mango

范围结构在C#8.0中引入。它表示具有开始索引和结束索引的范围。您可以在Range结构提供的End Property的帮助下找到给定范围的结束索引。


public property Index End { Index get(); };



// C# program to illustrate the use 
// of End property of Range struct
using System;
namespace range_example {
class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Creating range
        // using Range Constructor
        var r1 = new Range(0, 5);
        // Creating range
        // using range operator
        Range r2 = 3..7;
        // Finding the last index 
        // of r1 and r2 ranges
        // Using End property
        var res1 = r1.End;
        Console.WriteLine("End index of r1 range: " + res1);
        var res2 = r2.End;
        Console.WriteLine("End index of r2 range: " + res2);


End index of r1 range: 5
End index of r2 range: 7


// C# program to illustrate how to use
// End property of Range structure
using System;
namespace range_example {
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Creating and initailizing an array
        string[] arr = new string[8] {"Archery", "Badminton", "Cricket",
             "Bowling", "Boxing", "Curling", "Tennis", "Skateboarding"};
        // Creating ranges
        // Using Range(Index, Index) 
        // Constructor
        var r1 = new Range(0, 3);
        var r2 = new Range(4, 7);
        // Finding the last index 
        // of the specified range
        // Using End property
        var res1 = r1.End;
        var res2 = r2.End;
        Console.WriteLine("End Index of Range {0} is {1}"+
             " and the item is {2}", r1, res1, arr[res1]);
        Console.WriteLine("End Index of Range {0} is {1} and"+
                     " the item is {2}", r2, res2, arr[res2]);


End Index of Range 0..3 is 3 and the item is Bowling
End Index of Range 4..7 is 7 and the item is Skateboarding