📜  C#|从SortedList的指定索引中删除

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-29 18:33:53             🧑  作者: Mango

SortedList类是根据键对(键,值)对进行排序的集合。可以通过键和索引(从零开始的索引)访问这些对。它位于System.Collections命名空间下。 SortedList.RemoveAt(Int32)方法用于删除SortedList对象指定索引处的元素。


  • 可以通过其键或索引来访问SortedList元素。
  • SortedList对象在内部维护两个数组来存储列表的元素,即,一个数组用于键,另一个数组用于关联的值。
  • 键不能为null,但值可以为null。
  • SortedList对象的容量是SortedList可以容纳的元素数。
  • SortedList不允许重复的键。
  • 由于排序,对SortedList对象的操作往往比对Hashtable对象的操作要慢。
  • 可以使用整数索引访问此集合中的元素。此集合中的索引从零开始。


public virtual void RemoveAt (int index);

在这里, index是要删除的元素的从零开始的索引。


  • NotSupportedException:如果SortedList对象是只读的,或者SortedList具有固定的大小。
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException:如果索引超出SortedList对象的有效索引范围。



// C# code to remove the element at
// the specified index of a SortedList
using System;
using System.Collections;
class GFG {
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        // Creating an SortedList
        SortedList mySortedList = new SortedList();
        // Adding elements to SortedList
        mySortedList.Add("DS", "Data Structures");
        mySortedList.Add("EE", "Electrical Engineering");
        mySortedList.Add("CS", "Computer Science");
        mySortedList.Add("ME", "Mechanical Engineering");
        mySortedList.Add("CE", "Civil Engineering");
        // Displaying elements in SortedList
        foreach(string mykey in mySortedList.Keys)
            Console.WriteLine("Key = " + mykey);
        foreach(string myvalue in mySortedList.Values)
            Console.WriteLine("Key = " + myvalue);
        // Removing element at index 4
        Console.WriteLine("Removing element at index 4");
        // Displaying elements in SortedList
        foreach(string mykey in mySortedList.Keys)
            Console.WriteLine("Key = " + mykey);
        foreach(string myvalue in mySortedList.Values)
            Console.WriteLine("Key = " + myvalue);
Key = CE
Key = CS
Key = DS
Key = EE
Key = ME
Key = Civil Engineering
Key = Computer Science
Key = Data Structures
Key = Electrical Engineering
Key = Mechanical Engineering
Removing element at index 4
Key = CE
Key = CS
Key = DS
Key = EE
Key = Civil Engineering
Key = Computer Science
Key = Data Structures
Key = Electrical Engineering


// C# code to remove the element at
// the specified index of a SortedList
using System;
using System.Collections;
class GFG {
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        // Creating an SortedList
        SortedList mySortedList = new SortedList();
        // Adding elements to SortedList
        mySortedList.Add("DS", "Data Structures");
        mySortedList.Add("EE", "Electrical Engineering");
        mySortedList.Add("CS", "Computer Science");
        mySortedList.Add("ME", "Mechanical Engineering");
        mySortedList.Add("CE", "Civil Engineering");
        // Displaying elements in SortedList
        foreach(string mykey in mySortedList.Keys)
            Console.WriteLine("Key = " + mykey);
        foreach(string myvalue in mySortedList.Values)
            Console.WriteLine("Key = " + myvalue);
        // Removing element at index 8
        Console.WriteLine("Removing element at index 8");
        // It should raise ArgumentOutOfRangeException
        // As index is outside the range of valid
        // indexes for the SortedList object.
        // Displaying elements in SortedList
        foreach(string mykey in mySortedList.Keys)
            Console.WriteLine("Key = " + mykey);
        foreach(string myvalue in mySortedList.Values)
            Console.WriteLine("Key = " + myvalue);



  • 索引序列基于排序序列。添加元素后,它会以正确的排序顺序插入SortedList中,索引也会相应调整。删除元素后,索引也会相应调整。因此,随着从SortedList对象中添加或删除元素,特定键/值对的索引可能会更改。
  • 此方法是O(n)运算,其中n是Count。


  • https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/api/system.collections.sortedlist.removeat?view=netframework-4.7.2