public void Insert (int index, object key, object value);
index: It is the zero-based index of type System.Int32 at which the element should be inserted.
key: It is the key of the entry to add.
value: It is the value of the entry to add. The value can be null.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException:如果索引超出范围。
- NotSupportedException:如果集合是只读的。
// C# code to add a new entry into the
// OrderedDictionary collection with
// the specified key and value at the
// specified index.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
class GFG {
// Driver method
public static void Main()
// Creating a orderedDictionary named myDict
OrderedDictionary myDict = new OrderedDictionary();
// Adding key and value in myDict
myDict.Add("key1", "value1");
myDict.Add("key2", "value2");
myDict.Add("key3", "value3");
myDict.Add("key4", "value4");
myDict.Add("key5", "value5");
Console.WriteLine("Before Updation: ");
// Displaying the key/value pairs in myDict
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in myDict)
Console.WriteLine(de.Key + " --> " + de.Value);
// using Insert(Int32, Object, Object) Method
// to add a new entry at index 5
myDict.Insert(5, "key6", "value6");
Console.WriteLine("\nAfter Updation: ");
// Displaying the key/value pairs in myDict
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in myDict)
Console.WriteLine(de.Key + " --> " + de.Value);
Before Updation:
key1 --> value1
key2 --> value2
key3 --> value3
key4 --> value4
key5 --> value5
After Updation:
key1 --> value1
key2 --> value2
key3 --> value3
key4 --> value4
key5 --> value5
key6 --> value6
// C# code to add a new entry into the
// OrderedDictionary collection with
// the specified key and value at the
// specified index.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
class GFG {
// Driver method
public static void Main()
// Creating a orderedDictionary named myDict
OrderedDictionary myDict = new OrderedDictionary();
// Adding key and value in myDict
myDict.Add("1", "C");
myDict.Add("2", "C++");
myDict.Add("3", "Java");
myDict.Add("4", "Python");
myDict.Add("5", "C#");
Console.WriteLine("Before Updation: ");
// Displaying the key/value pairs in myDict
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in myDict)
Console.WriteLine(de.Key + " --> " + de.Value);
// using Insert(Int32, Object, Object) Method
// this will give error as index is out of range
// here indexing is zero-based
myDict.Insert(6, "6", "HTML");
Console.WriteLine("\nAfter Updation: ");
// Displaying the key/value pairs in myDict
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in myDict)
Console.WriteLine(de.Key + " --> " + de.Value);
Unhandled Exception:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: index
- 如果index参数等于OrderedDictionary集合中的条目数,则key和value参数将附加到集合的末尾。
- 插入点之后的条目将向下移动以容纳新条目,并且所移动条目的索引也会更新。
- https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/api/system.collections.specialized.ordereddictionary.insert?view=netframework-4.7.2