📜  std :: search_n以及C++中的示例

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 04:36:06             🧑  作者: Mango

先决条件:std :: search
std :: search_n是在头文件中定义的STL算法,用于搜索给定元素是否满足谓词(如果未定义谓词,则等于)。容器元素连续的时间。



std :: search_n的两个版本定义如下:

  1. 为了使用==比较元素:


    ForwardIterator search_n (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                               Size count, const T& val);
    Forward iterator to beginning of the container to be searched into.
    Forward iterator to end of the container to be searched into.
    Minimum number of successive elements to match.
    Size shall be (convertible to) an integral type.
    val: Individual value to be compared.
    It returns an iterator to the first element of the sequence.
    If no such sequence is found, the function returns last.
    // C++ program to demonstrate the use of std::search_n
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        int i, j;
        // Declaring the sequence to be searched into
        vector v1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3, 6, 7 };
        // Declaring the value to be searched for
        int v2 = 3;
        // Declaring an iterator for storing the returning pointer
        vector::iterator i1;
        // Using std::search_n and storing the result in
        // iterator i1
        i1 = std::search_n(v1.begin(), v1.end(), 2, v2);
        // checking if iterator i1 contains end pointer of v1 or not
        if (i1 != v1.end()) {
            cout << "v2 is present consecutively 2 times at index "
                 << (i1 - v1.begin());
        } else {
            cout << "v2 is not present consecutively 2 times in "
                 << "vector v1";
        return 0;


    v2 is present consecutively 2 times at index 5
  2. 使用谓词比较元素:
    ForwardIterator search_n ( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                               Size count, const T& val, BinaryPredicate pred );
    All the arguments are same as previous template, just one more argument is added
    pred: Binary function that accepts two arguments 
    (one element from the sequence as first, and val as second),
     and returns a value convertible to bool. The value returned indicates whether 
    the element is considered a match in the context of this function.
    The function shall not modify any of its arguments. 
    This can either be a function pointer or a function object.
    It also returns value as per the previous version, i.e., 
    an iterator to the first element of the sequence, 
    satisfying a condition with respect to a given value.
    If no such sequence is found, the function returns last.
    // C++ program to demonstrate the use of std::search_n
    // with binary predicate
    using namespace std;
    // Defining the BinaryPredicate function
    bool pred(int i, int j)
        if (i == j) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    int main()
        int i, j;
        // Declaring the sequence to be searched into
        vector v1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3, 6, 7 };
        // Declaring the value to be compared to v1 based
        // on a given predicate
        int v2 = 3;
        // Declaring an iterator for storing the returning pointer
        vector::iterator i1;
        // Using std::search_n and storing the result in
        // iterator i1
        i1 = std::search_n(v1.begin(), v1.end(), 2, v2, pred);
        // checking if iterator i1 contains end pointer of v1 or not
        if (i1 != v1.end()) {
            cout << "v2 is present consecutively 2 times at index "
                 << (i1 - v1.begin());
        } else {
            cout << "v2 is not present consecutively 2 times "
                 << "in vector v1";
        return 0;


    v2 is present consecutively 2 times at index 5
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