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📜  C++ STL中的multimap ::运算符=

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 06:00:56             🧑  作者: Mango

multimap :: 运算符=用于通过替换现有内容将新内容分配给容器。它还根据新内容修改大小。


multimap1 = (multimap2)

Parameters :
Another container of the same type.

Result :
Assign the contents of the container passed as 
parameter to the container written on left 
side of the operator.


Input  :  multimap1 = { ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)}
          multimap2 = { ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6)}
          multimap1 = multimap2;
Output :  multimap1 
d 4
e 5
f 6

Input  :  multimap1 = { ('abc', 1), ('bca', 2), ('cab', 3)}
          multimap2 = { ('def', 4), ('efd', 5), ('fde', 6)}
          multimap1 = multimap2;
Output :  multimap1 
def 4
efd 5
fde 6



// CPP Program to illustrate working of
// multimap::operator= 
using namespace std;
int main()
    // initialise multimap
    multimap m1;
    multimap m2;
    // iterator for iterate all element of multimap
    multimap::iterator iter;
    // multimap1 data
    m1.insert(make_pair('a', 1));
    m1.insert(make_pair('b', 2));
    m1.insert(make_pair('c', 3));
    // multimap2 data
    m2.insert(make_pair('d', 4));
    m2.insert(make_pair('e', 5));
    m2.insert(make_pair('f', 6));
    // operator=
    m1 = m2;
    // multimap1 data
    cout << "MultiMap 1 data" << "\n";
    for (iter = m1.begin(); iter != m1.end(); iter++)
        cout << (*iter).first << " " << (*iter).second << "\n";


MultiMap 1 data
d 4
e 5
f 6
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