📜  C++中的异常标头和示例

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 11:53:43             🧑  作者: Mango

C++提供了在命名空间std的头文件中定义的标准异常的列表,其中“ exception”是所有标准异常的基类。标准库生成的所有异常(如bad_allocbad_castruntime_error等)均继承自std :: exception 。因此,所有标准异常都可以通过引用来捕获。




Exceptions Description
bad_alloc thrown by new on allocation failure
bad_cast thrown by dynamic_cast when it fails in a dynamic cast
bad_exeption thrown by certain dynamic exception specifiers
bad_typeid thrown by typeid
bad_function_call thrown by empty function objects
bad_weak_ptr thrown by shared_ptr when passed a bad weak_ptr
logic_error error related to the internal logic of the program
runtime_error error related to the internal logic of the program


下面是对std :: bad_alloc错误的说明:

using class bad_alloc
// C++ program to illustrate bad_alloc
// using class bad_alloc
using namespace std;
// Function to illustrate bad_alloc
void createArray(int N)
    // Try Block
    try {
        // Create an array of length N
        int* array = new int[N];
        // If created successfully then
        // print the message
        cout << "Array created successfully"
             << " of length " << N << " \n";
    // Check if the memory
    // was allocated or not
    // using class bad_alloc
    catch (bad_alloc& e) {
        // If not, print the error message
        cout << e.what()
             << " for array of length "
             << N << " \n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Function call to create an
    // array of 1000 size
    // Function call to create an
    // array of 1000000000 size
    return 0;

using class exception
// C++ program to illustrate bad_alloc
// using class exception
using namespace std;
// Function to illustrate bad_alloc
void createArray(int N)
    // Try Block
    try {
        // Create an array of length N
        int* array = new int[N];
        // If created successfully then
        // print the message
        cout << "Array created successfully"
             << " of length " << N << " \n";
    // Check if the memory
    // was allocated or not
    // using class exception
    catch (exception& e) {
        // If not, print the error message
        cout << e.what()
             << " for array of length "
             << N << " \n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Function call to create an
    // array of 1000 size
    // Function call to create an
    // array of 1000000000 size
    return 0;

Array created successfully of length 1000 
std::bad_alloc for array of length 1000000000


  • 对于创建长度为1000的数组,内存分配成功,并且没有引发异常。
  • 对于创建长度为1000的数组,内存分配未成功,并且引发了异常“ std :: bad_alloc” 。引发的异常类型为bad_alloc ,它是从类异常派生的。函数what()是基类异常中定义的虚函数。函数what()返回以null结尾的字符串,该字符串通常是错误的描述。

注意:当内存分配失败时,运算符“ new”会抛出bad_alloc异常。


catch (std::string str)
    s += "Additional info";



catch (std::string& s)
    s += "Additional info";


// C++ program to illustrate logic_error
using namespace std;
// Function to find factorial of N and
// throws error if occurs
void findFactorial(int N)
    // Initialise variable by 1
    int factorial = 1;
    // Check for errors
    try {
        // If N is less than zero then,
        // it shows errors as factorial
        // of negative number can't be
        // calculated
        if (N < 0) {
            // Exception object which
            // returns the message passed
            // to it
            throw invalid_argument(
                "negative not allowed");
        // Find factorial if no error occurs
        for (int i = N; i > 0; i--) {
            factorial *= i;
        cout << "Factorial of " << N
             << " is " << factorial << endl;
    // Print the error message
    catch (exception& e) {
        cout << e.what();
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Function call to find factorial
    // of 0
    // Function call to find factorial
    // of 3
    // Function call to find factorial
    // of -1
    return 0;
Factorial of 0 is 1
Factorial of 3 is 6
negative not allowed
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