📜  C / C ++中的atol(),atoll()和atof()函数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-31 20:24:42             🧑  作者: Mango

  1. atol():此函数将作为参数传递给函数调用的C类型字符串转换为长整数。它解析C字符串str,将其内容解释为整数,并作为long int类型的值返回。该函数丢弃出现在字符串开头的空白字符,直到找到非空白字符为止。如果C字符串str中的非空白字符序列不是有效的整数,或者由于str为空或仅包含空白字符而不存在这样的序列,则不执行任何转换并返回零。


    long int atol ( const char * str )

    参数:该函数接受一个强制性参数str ,它表示整数。

    返回值:该函数将转换后的整数返回为long int。如果无法执行有效的转换,则返回零。

    // CPP program to illustrate
    // working of atol() function.
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        // char array of numbers
        char str1[] = "5672345";
        // Function calling to convert to a long int
        long int num1 = atol(str1);
        cout << "Number is " << num1 << "\n";
        // char array of numbers of spaces
        char str2[] = "10000002  0";
        // Function calling to convert to a long int
        long int num2 = atol(str2);
        cout << "Number is " << num2 << "\n";
        return 0;
    Number is 5672345
    Number is 10000002
  2. atoll():此函数将作为参数传递给函数调用的C类型字符串转换为长整型整数。它解析C字符串str,将其内容解释为整数,并作为long long int类型的值返回。该函数丢弃出现在字符串开头的空白字符,直到找到非空白字符为止。


    long long int atoll ( const char * str )

    参数:该函数接受强制性参数str ,它是整数的表示形式。

    返回值:该函数将转换后的整数返回为long long int。如果无法执行有效的转换,则返回零。

    // CPP program to illustrate
    // working of atol() function.
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        // char array of numbers
        char big_num1[] = "8239206483232728";
        // Function calling to convert to a long int
        long long int num1 = atoll(big_num1);
        cout << "Number is " << num1 << "\n";
        // char array of numbers of spaces
        char big_num2[] = "100000 9 1324100";
        // Function calling to convert to a long int
        long long int num2 = atoll(big_num2);
        cout << "Number is " << num2 << "\n";
        return 0;
    Number is 8239206483232728
    Number is 100000
  3. atof()函数:此函数将作为参数传递给函数调用的C型字符串转换为双精度型。它解析C字符串str,将其内容解释为浮点数,该浮点数作为double类型的值返回。该函数丢弃出现在字符串开头的空白字符,直到找到非空白字符为止。如果C字符串str中的非空白字符序列不是有效的浮点数,或者由于str为空或仅包含空白字符而不存在这样的序列,则不执行任何转换并返回0.0。


    double atof ( const char * str )

    参数:该函数接受一个强制性参数str ,它是浮点数的表示形式。



    // CPP program to illustrate
    // working of atol() function.
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        // char array
        char pi[] = "3.1415926535";
        // Calling function to convert to a double
        double pi_val = atof(pi);
        // prints the double value
        cout << "Value of pi = " << pi_val << "\n";
        // char array
        char acc_g[] = "9.8";
        // Calling function to convert to a double
        double acc_g_val = atof(acc_g);
        // prints the double value
        cout << "Value of acceleration due to gravity = "
             << acc_g_val << "\n";
        return 0;
    Value of pi = 3.14159
    Value of acceleration due to gravity = 9.8
