📜  C ++中的命名空间|集合4(不同名称空间中的数据过载和交换)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-01 01:23:18             🧑  作者: Mango


  • C++中的命名空间|设置1(简介)
  • C++中的命名空间|集合2(扩展名称空间和未命名名称空间)
  • C++中的命名空间|设置3(访问,创建标题,嵌套和别名)



// C++ program to illustrate the basics
// of classes inside namespaces
// Declaration of namespace
namespace GeeksforGeeks {
// Output string
std::string out = "This is not from (GeeksforGeeks::string) class!";
// Class inside GeeksforGeeks namespace
class string {
    std::string s = "Hello! ";
    // Make string
    string(const std::string& str)
        s += str;
    // Function to get string
    std::string get_str()
        return s;
// Driver Code
int main()
    std::cout << GeeksforGeeks::out
              << std::endl;
    // Create an object of string class
    // of Test namespace
    GeeksforGeeks::string str("From namespace Test!");
    // Print the string
    std::cout << str.get_str()
              << std::endl;
    return 0;
This is not from (GeeksforGeeks::string) class!
Hello! From namespace Test!

在上面的程序中,我们可以清楚地看到GeeksforGeeks命名空间内的类‘ 字符串 ‘的作用域仅在命名空间内,并且该类由参数化构造函数初始化,这也更改了命名空间Test中Class字符串的私有字符串


// C++ program to show overloading and
// accessing from different namespaces
// Declare namespace test_space1
namespace test_space1 {
const std::string const_prefix = "(test_space1::string) ";
// String class
class string {
    std::string str = "";
    // Private default constructor
    // Public parameterized constructor
    string(const std::string& s)
        : str(const_prefix + s)
    // Get string function
    std::string get_str() const
        return str;
// Declare namespace test_space2
namespace test_space2 {
const std::string const_prefix = "(test_space2::string) ";
class string {
    std::string str = "";
    const std::string check_scope = "test_space2!";
    // Public parameterized constructor
    string(const std::string& s)
        : str(const_prefix + s)
    std::string get_str() const
        return str;
    std::string getScopestr() const
        return check_scope;
// Declare namespace test_space3
namespace test_space3 {
// Object from another namespace
// (test_space2 in this case!)
const std::string const_prefix = "(test_space3::string) from both nmspaces test_space3 & ";
// Class inside namespace test_space3
class string {
    std::string str = "";
    string(const test_space2::string& s)
        : str(const_prefix + s.getScopestr())
    // Access function from test_space2
    // and adding a private string of
    // test_space2:: string to str of
    // test_space3
    std::string get_str() const
        return str;
// Overloading << operator for test_space1
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
                         const test_space1::string& s1)
    os << s1.get_str();
    return os;
// Overloading << operator for test_space2
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
                         const test_space2::string& s2)
    os << s2.get_str();
    return os;
// Overloading << operator for test_space3
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
                         const test_space3::string& s3)
    os << s3.get_str();
    return os;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // String str
    const std::string str("This is a standard string");
    // Print the string str
    std::cout << str << std::endl;
    const std::string sample1("This is a test_space1 namespace string");
    // Declare a test_space1 namespace
    // string class object
    const test_space1::string s2(sample1);
    std::cout << s2 << std::endl;
    // Print test_space1 string
    const std::string sample2("This is a test_space2 namespace string");
    // std string
    test_space2::string s3(sample2);
    // Declare a test_space2 namespace
    // string class object
    std::cout << s3 << std::endl;
    // Print test_space2 string
    test_space3::string s4(s3);
    // Print string s4
    std::cout << s4 << std::endl;
    return 0;
This is a standard string
(test_space1::string) This is a test_space1 namespace string
(test_space2::string) This is a test_space2 namespace string
(test_space3::string) Accessing from both namespaces test_space3 and test_space2!


  1. 在上面的程序中,我们创建了三个名称空间– test_space1,test_space2和test_space3
  2. 所有这些名称空间中都有一个通用的类字符串。我们创建了它们各自的对象s2,s3和s4 ,它们在初始化期间采用不同的参数。
  3. 名称空间test_space 3用于从名称空间test_space2的字符串类内部访问类成员,因此, test_space3 :: string的构造函数与其他两个类的构造函数不同。
  4. 因此,我们能够从test_space2访问数据并将其用于test_space3 。这显示了不同命名空间及其类之间的数据可访问性和交换。
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