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📜  数据结构示例-判断两棵树是否相同

📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-15 06:26:15             🧑  作者: Mango




  • 两棵树的结构应相同。
  • 一棵树中存在的节点应该出现在另一棵树中。



  • 定义具有三个属性的Node类,即: leftright数据。在此,左代表节点的左子节点,右代表节点的右子节点。
  • 创建节点时,数据将传递到该节点的data属性,并且left和right都将设置为null
  • 定义另一个具有属性根的类。
    1. 表示树的根节点,并将其初始化为null。
  • areIdenticalTrees()将检查两棵树是否相同:
    1. 如果两个树的根节点都为空,则它们是相同的。
    2. 如果仅一棵树的根节点为空,则树不相同,则返回false。
    3. 如果没有一棵树的根节点为空,则检查两个节点的数据是否相等,然后递归检查一棵树的左子树和右子树是否与另一棵树相同。



#Represent a node of binary tree
class Node:
    def __init__(self,data):
        #Assign data to the new node, set left and right children to None
        self.data = data;
        self.left = None;
        self.right = None;
class IdenticalTrees:
    def __init__(self):
        #Represent the root of binary tree
        self.root = None;
    #areIdenticalTrees() finds whether two trees are identical or not
    def areIdenticalTrees(root1, root2):
        #Checks if both the trees are empty
        if(root1 == None and root2 == None):
            return True;
        #Trees are not identical if root of only one tree is null thus, return false
        if(root1 == None and root2 == None):
            return True;
        #If both trees are not empty, check whether the data of the nodes is equal
        #Repeat the steps for left subtree and right subtree
        if(root1 != None  and root2 != None):
            return ((root1.data == root2.data) and 
            (IdenticalTrees.areIdenticalTrees(root1.left, root2.left)) and 
            (IdenticalTrees.areIdenticalTrees(root1.right, root2.right)));
        return False;
#Adding nodes to the first binary tree
bt1 = IdenticalTrees();
bt1.root = Node(1);
bt1.root.left = Node(2);
bt1.root.right = Node(3);
bt1.root.left.left = Node(4);
bt1.root.right.left = Node(5);
bt1.root.right.right = Node(6);
#Adding nodes to the second binary tree
bt2 = IdenticalTrees();
bt2.root = Node(1);
bt2.root.left = Node(2);
bt2.root.right = Node(3);
bt2.root.left.left = Node(4);
bt2.root.right.left = Node(5);
bt2.root.right.right = Node(6);  
#Displays whether both the trees are identical or not
if(IdenticalTrees.areIdenticalTrees(bt1.root, bt2.root)):
    print("Both the binary trees are identical");
    print("Both the binary trees are not identical");


Both the binary trees are identical


//Represent a node of binary tree
struct node{
    int data;
    struct node *left;
    struct node *right;
//Represent the root node of first binary tree
struct node *rootTree1 = NULL;
//Represent the root node of second binary tree
struct node *rootTree2 = NULL;
//createNode() will create a new node
struct node* createNode(int data){
    //Create a new node
    struct node *newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    //Assign data to newNode, set left and right children to NULL
    newNode->data= data;
    newNode->left = NULL;
    newNode->right = NULL;
    return newNode;
//areIdenticalTrees() finds whether two trees are identical or not
bool areIdenticalTrees(struct node *root1, struct node *root2) {
    //Checks if both the trees are empty
    if(root1 == NULL && root2 == NULL)
          return true;
    //Trees are not identical if root of only one tree is null thus, return false
    if(root1 == NULL && root2 == NULL)
          return true;
    //If both trees are not empty, check whether the data of the nodes is equal
    //Repeat the steps for left subtree and right subtree
    if(root1 != NULL  && root2 != NULL) {
          return ((root1->data == root2->data) &&
                  (areIdenticalTrees(root1->left, root2->left)) &&
                  (areIdenticalTrees(root1->right, root2->right)));
    return false;
int main()
    //Adding nodes to the first binary tree
    rootTree1 = createNode(1);
    rootTree1->left = createNode(2);
    rootTree1->right = createNode(3);
    rootTree1->left->left = createNode(4);
    rootTree1->right->left = createNode(5);
    rootTree1->right->right = createNode(6);
    //Adding nodes to the second binary tree
    rootTree2 = createNode(1);
    rootTree2->left = createNode(2);
    rootTree2->right = createNode(3);
    rootTree2->left->left = createNode(4);
    rootTree2->right->left = createNode(5);
    rootTree2->right->right = createNode(6);  
    //Displays whether both the trees are identical or not
    if(areIdenticalTrees(rootTree1, rootTree2))
        printf("Both the binary trees are identical");
        printf("Both the binary trees are not identical");
    return 0;


Both the binary trees are identical


public class IdenticalTrees {
      //Represent the node of the binary tree
      public static class Node{
        int data;
        Node left;
        Node right;
        //Assign data to the new node, set left and right children to null
        public Node(int data){
          this.data = data;
          this.left = null;
          this.right = null;
      //Represent the root of the binary tree
      public Node root;
      public IdenticalTrees(){
        root = null;
      //areIdenticalTrees() finds whether two trees are identical or not
      public static boolean areIdenticalTrees(Node root1, Node root2) {
          //Checks if both the trees are empty
          if(root1 == null && root2 == null)
              return true;
          //Trees are not identical if root of only one tree is null thus, return false
          if(root1 == null && root2 == null)
              return true;
          //If both trees are not empty, check whether the data of the nodes is equal
          //Repeat the steps for left subtree and right subtree
          if(root1 != null  && root2 != null) {
              return ((root1.data == root2.data) &&
                      (areIdenticalTrees(root1.left, root2.left)) &&
                      (areIdenticalTrees(root1.right, root2.right)));
          return false;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Adding nodes to the first binary tree
        IdenticalTrees bt1 = new IdenticalTrees();
        bt1.root = new Node(1);
        bt1.root.left = new Node(2);
        bt1.root.right = new Node(3);
        bt1.root.left.left = new Node(4);
        bt1.root.right.left = new Node(5);
        bt1.root.right.right = new Node(6);
        //Adding nodes to the second binary tree
          IdenticalTrees bt2 = new IdenticalTrees();
          bt2.root = new Node(1);
          bt2.root.left = new Node(2);
          bt2.root.right = new Node(3);
          bt2.root.left.left = new Node(4);
          bt2.root.right.left = new Node(5);
          bt2.root.right.right = new Node(6);  
          //Displays whether both the trees are identical or not
           if(areIdenticalTrees(bt1.root, bt2.root))
             System.out.println("Both the binary trees are identical");
             System.out.println("Both the binary trees are not identical");


Both the binary trees are identical


using System;
namespace Tree 
    public class Program
        //Represent a node of binary tree
        public class Node{
            public T data;
            public Node left;
            public Node right;
            public Node(T data) {
                //Assign data to the new node, set left and right children to null
                this.data = data;
                this.left = null;
                this.right = null;
        public class IdenticalTrees{
            //Represent the root of binary tree
            public Node root;
            public IdenticalTrees(){
                root = null;
        //areIdenticalTrees() finds whether two trees are identical or not
        public static Boolean areIdenticalTrees(Node root1, Node root2) {
          //Checks if both the trees are empty
          if(root1 == null && root2 == null)
              return true;
          //Trees are not identical if root of only one tree is null thus, return false
          if(root1 == null && root2 == null)
              return true;
          //If both trees are not empty, check whether the data of the nodes is equal
          //Repeat the steps for left subtree and right subtree
          if(root1 != null  && root2 != null) {
              return ((root1.data.Equals(root2.data)) &&
                      (areIdenticalTrees(root1.left, root2.left)) &&
                      (areIdenticalTrees(root1.right, root2.right)));
          return false;
        public static void Main()
            //Adding nodes to the first binary tree
            IdenticalTrees bt1 = new IdenticalTrees();
            bt1.root = new Node(1);
            bt1.root.left = new Node(2);
            bt1.root.right = new Node(3);
            bt1.root.left.left = new Node(4);
            bt1.root.right.left = new Node(5);
            bt1.root.right.right = new Node(6);
            //Adding nodes to the second binary tree
              IdenticalTrees bt2 = new IdenticalTrees();
              bt2.root = new Node(1);
              bt2.root.left = new Node(2);
              bt2.root.right = new Node(3);
              bt2.root.left.left = new Node(4);
              bt2.root.right.left = new Node(5);
              bt2.root.right.right = new Node(6);  
              //Displays whether both the trees are identical or not
               if(IdenticalTrees.areIdenticalTrees(bt1.root, bt2.root))
                 Console.WriteLine("Both the binary trees are identical");
                 Console.WriteLine("Both the binary trees are not identical");                


Both the binary trees are identical


data = $data;
        $this->left = NULL;
        $this->right = NULL;
class IdenticalTrees{
    //Represent the root of binary tree
    public $root;
    function __construct(){
        $this->root = NULL;
    //areIdenticalTrees() finds whether two trees are identical or not
    static function areIdenticalTrees($root1, $root2) {
        //Checks if both the trees are empty
        if($root1 == NULL && $root2 == NULL)
            return true;
          //Trees are not identical if root of only one tree is null thus, return false
          if($root1 == NULL && $root2 == NULL)
              return true;
          //If both trees are not empty, check whether the data of the nodes is equal
          //Repeat the steps for left subtree and right subtree
          if($root1 != NULL  && $root2 != NULL) {
              return (($root1->data == $root2->data) &&
                      (IdenticalTrees::areIdenticalTrees($root1->left, $root2->left)) &&
                      (IdenticalTrees::areIdenticalTrees($root1->right, $root2->right)));
          return false;
//Adding nodes to the first binary tree
$bt1 = new IdenticalTrees();
$bt1->root = new Node(1);
$bt1->root->left = new Node(2);
$bt1->root->right = new Node(3);
$bt1->root->left->left = new Node(4);
$bt1->root->right->left = new Node(5);
$bt1->root->right->right = new Node(6);
//Adding nodes to the second binary tree
$bt2 = new IdenticalTrees();
$bt2->root = new Node(1);
$bt2->root->left = new Node(2);
$bt2->root->right = new Node(3);
$bt2->root->left->left = new Node(4);
$bt2->root->right->left = new Node(5);
$bt2->root->right->right = new Node(6);  
//Displays whether both the trees are identical or not
if(IdenticalTrees::areIdenticalTrees($bt1->root, $bt2->root))
    print("Both the binary trees are identical");
    print("Both the binary trees are not identical");      


Both the binary trees are identical