1. SQLite:
SQLite是一个提供关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)的软件库。它是由D. Richard Hipp在2000年8月设计的。SQLite的设计目标是允许在不安装数据库管理系统(DBMS)或不需要数据库管理员的情况下运行该程序。
Cassandra是一个免费的开放源代码的分布式宽列存储NoSQL数据库管理系统。它由Apache Software Foundation开发,最初于2008年7月发布。Cassandra旨在处理许多商用服务器上的大量数据,提供高可用性而没有单点故障。 SQLite和Cassandra之间的区别:
1. | It was developed By D. Richard Hipp in August 2000. | It was developed by Apache Software foundation and released in July 2008. |
2. | SQLite is developed only in C language. | Cassandra is also developed only in C language. |
3. | It is widely used in-process RDBMS. | It is wide-column store based on ideas of BigTable and DynamoDB. |
4. | The primary database model for SQLite is RDBMS. | The primary database model for Cassandra is Wide Column Store. |
5. | SQLite does not require a server to run. Hence, it is serverless. | Server operating systems for Cassandra are BSD, Linux, OS X and Windows. |
6. | It supports secondary indexing. | It supports secondary indexing but in a restricted way, i.e., only equality queries, not always the best performing solution. |
7. | SQLite provides ACID transactions. | Cassandra does not provide ACID transactions. |
8. | It does not support any partitioning methods. | In Cassandra, partitioning can be done using sharding. |
9. | It does not support any replication methods. | It support only one replication methods – Selectable Replication Factor. |
10. | SQLite provides the concept of Referential Integrity and has Foreign Keys. | Cassandra does not provide the concept of Referential Integrity. Hence, no Foreign Keys. |
11. | It supports in-memory capabilities. | It does not support in-memory capabilities. |