📜  使用Pytest执行等效类测试

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-25 10:17:01             🧑  作者: Mango


为了执行自动的等效类测试,我们可以使用Pytest或Unittest Python库。在本文中,我们将使用Pytest库为一个简单的程序执行测试用例。

问题 :


# import math
# parent class for Error
class Error(BaseException):
# child class of Error named OutOfRangeError
class OutOfRangeError(Error):
    def __init__(self, message):
        self.message = message
# child class of Error named TriangleError        
class TriangleError(Error):
    def __init__(self, message):
        self.message = message
# checks if variables are in range
# if variables not in range then OutOfRangeError is raised
def checkRange(a, b, c):
    if a<10 or a>50:
        raise OutOfRangeError('A is out of the given range')
    if b<10  or b>50:
        raise OutOfRangeError('B is out of the given range') 
    if c<10 or c>50:
        raise OutOfRangeError('C is out of the given range')
# checks if the given values of a, b, c can form a triangle
# if not, then Triangle error is raised
def checkTriangle(a, b, c):
    if a + b<= c or b + c<= a or c + a<= b:
        raise TriangleError('Triangle cannot be formed with these sides')
# determines the type of triangle        
def triangleType(a, b, c):
    checkRange(a, b, c)
    checkTriangle(a, b, c)
    # s = (a + b+c)/2
    # ar = math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
    # inradius = ar / s
    if(a == b and b == c):   
        return "Equilateral Triangle"
    elif(a == b or a == c or b == c):
        return "Isosceles Triangle"
        return "Scalene Triangle"
def main():
        print("Enter the sides of the triangle in range [10-50]")
        a = int(input('Enter Side A:'))
        b = int(input('Enter Side B:'))
        c = int(input('Enter Side C:'))
    except ValueError as v:
        print(v + " Raised :Input is not an integer.")
        checkRange(a, b, c)
    except OutOfRangeError as e:
        print("OutOfRangeError:" + e.message)
        checkTriangle(a, b, c)
    except TriangleError as e:
        print('TriangleError:' + e.message)
    typeOfTriangle = triangleType(a, b, c)
    print("The triangle is: " + typeOfTriangle)
if __name__ == "__main__":

import pytest
# importing classes and function which we use in this file
from triangletype import OutOfRangeError
from triangletype import TriangleError
from triangletype import triangleType
# check if a < 10
def test_invalid_less_a():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(9, 20, 15)
# check if b < 10        
def test_invalid_less_b():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(20, 9, 15)
# check if c < 10        
def test_invalid_less_c():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(20, 15, 9)
# check if a > 50
def test_invalid_more_a():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(51, 30, 45)
# check if b > 50        
def test_invalid_more_b():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(30, 51, 45)
# check if c > 50        
def test_invalid_more_c():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(30, 45, 51)
# check if a, b, c can form a triangle or not        
def test_valid_invalidtriangle():
    with pytest.raises(TriangleError):
        triangleType(20, 15, 40)
# valid class - determines type of triangle        
def test_valid():
    assert triangleType(20, 15, 10) == "Scalene Triangle"


  • a <10
  • > 50
  • b <10
  • b> 50
  • 小于10
  • c> 50
  • 给定a,b,c的值不能形成三角形


  • 10 <= a,b,c <= 50

注意:函数名称和测试文件名称应始终以单词“ test”开头。



import pytest
# importing classes and function which we use in this file
from triangletype import OutOfRangeError
from triangletype import TriangleError
from triangletype import triangleType
# check if a < 10
def test_invalid_less_a():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(9, 20, 15)
# check if b < 10        
def test_invalid_less_b():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(20, 9, 15)
# check if c < 10        
def test_invalid_less_c():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(20, 15, 9)
# check if a > 50
def test_invalid_more_a():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(51, 30, 45)
# check if b > 50        
def test_invalid_more_b():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(30, 51, 45)
# check if c > 50        
def test_invalid_more_c():
    with pytest.raises(OutOfRangeError):
        triangleType(30, 45, 51)
# check if a, b, c can form a triangle or not        
def test_valid_invalidtriangle():
    with pytest.raises(TriangleError):
        triangleType(20, 15, 40)
# valid class - determines type of triangle        
def test_valid():
    assert triangleType(20, 15, 10) == "Scalene Triangle" 

要执行上述测试用例,在一个文件夹中创建两个单独的文件triangletype.pytest_triangletype_eq.py 。要执行,请编写以下命令:



pytest -v

pytest -v显示详细输出。

