📜  McAfee和Windows Defender之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-25 18:17:09             🧑  作者: Mango

McAfee是一家全球安全软件公司,是防病毒软件业务中的知名公司之一。该名称基于其创始人约翰·迈克菲(John McAfee)的名字,约翰·迈克菲于1987年成立了该公司。其防病毒软件与Windows,MAC,Android,IOS等各种操作系统兼容。它基于付费订阅服务。


  • VPN包含在所有订阅模型中。
  • Windows,macOS,iOS和Android等各种操作系统都支持它。
  • 病毒防护服务退款保证恶意软件清除保证。


  • 仅包含自动更新,包括VPN和身份盗用保护。

2. Windows Defender:
Windows Defender是Microsoft专有的防病毒软件,并且是Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10操作系统的集成部分。它仅在Windows操作系统中兼容。作为Windows反恶意软件程序的一部分,它绝对是免费的。它提供了更好的防火墙保护。

Windows Defender的优点:

  • 免费实时防护,免受病毒,恶意软件,间谍软件的侵害。
  • 它会扫描并重新启动PC,以消除离线状态下的持久性恶意软件。
  • 在Windows中,如果没有激活防病毒软件,则会自动激活。
  • 它包括防火墙和“查找我的设备”,因此可以轻松找到,锁定或擦除Windows 10 PC。

Windows Defender的缺点:

  • 使用Windows Defender时,存在电子邮件垃圾邮件和网络钓鱼的风险,因为没有为此提供额外的保护。

McAfee和Windows Defender之间的区别:

01. McAfee is a global security software company and one of the top name in antivirus software business. Windows Defender is the Microsoft proprietary antivirus and an integrated part of Windows 8/8.1/10 operating system.
02. It is compatible with various operating systems like Windows, MAC, android, IOS. It is compatible only in windows operating system.
03. It comes under paid subscription basis. Its antivirus software suits and plans can be subscribed for a period of time. It comes absolutely free of cost as the part of windows antimalware program.
04. McAfee has less impact on system performance, memory management and resource usage as compared to Windows Defender. Windows Defender has more impact on system performance, memory management and resource usage as compared to McFee.
05. McAfee has good support like Live help, phone support, Email support. Windows Defender does not provide such supports.
06. It provides added protections against email spam or phishing. It does not provide any added protections against email spam or phishing.
07. Money back guarantee is there in McAfee. No Money back guarantee is there in Windows Defender.
08. It provides better protection against viruses, malware and other malicious program. It provides better firewall protection.