Cassandra是一个免费的开放源代码的分布式宽列存储NoSQL数据库管理系统。它由Apache Software Foundation开发,最初于2008年7月发布。Cassandra旨在处理许多商用服务器上的大量数据,提供高可用性而没有单点故障。
2. Couchbase:
Couchbase Server是一个开放源代码,分布式,多模型,NoSQL,面向文档的数据库软件包,已针对交互式应用程序进行了优化。它也被称为Membase。它由Couchbase,Inc.开发,最初于2010年8月发布。
S.NO. | Cassandra | couchbase |
1. | Developed by Apache Software foundation and released on July 2008. | developed by Couchbase, Inc. and initially released on August 2010. |
2. | Cassandra is written only in Java language. | Couchbase is written in C++, Erlang, C and Go languages. |
3. | The primary database model for Cassandra is Wide Column Store. | The primary database model for Couchbase is Document Store. |
4. | There is no secondary database model in Cassandra. | The secondary database model for Couchbase is key-value store . |
5. | Cassandra does not supports XML data format. | Couchbase does supports XML data format. |
6. | Secondary indexes in Cassandra is restricted. | Couchbase supports the secondary indexes without any restrictions. |
7. | Cassandra supports Selectable Replication Factor replication method. | Couchbase supports Master-Slave Replication and Master-Master Replication replication methods. |
8. | Cassandra does not provides ACID transactions . | Couchbase provides ACID transactions. |
9. | Cassandra does not have any in-memory capabilities. | Couchbase has in-memory capabilities. |
10. | Time series data is recorded, processed and retrieved in Cassandra so that data can be recorded from history to be used in the future. | Time series data is not recorded in Couchbase so that historical data cannot be used to predict the future in the company. |
11. | Server operating systems for Cassandra are BSD, Linux, OS X, Windows. | Server operating systems for Couchbase are Linux, OS X and Windows. |
12. | Famous companies like GitHub, Hulu, Instagram, Reddit, The Weather Channel, etc uses Cassandra. | Famous companies like Lockwood Publishing, Code Weavers, MSLGROUP, The Doyle Group, etc uses Couchbase. |