PGP是一个开放源代码软件包,旨在用于电子邮件安全性。菲尔·齐默曼(Phil Zimmerman)开发了它。它提供了密码学的基本或基本需求。在这多个步骤中,我们采取了保护电子邮件安全的措施,这些措施包括:
1. Confidentiality
2. Authentication
3. Compression
4. Resemble
5. Segmentation
6. E-mail compatibility
2.安全/多用途Internet邮件扩展(S / MIME):
S / MIME是多用途Internet邮件扩展(MIME)的安全性增强版本。在这种情况下,公钥密码术用于数字签名,加密或解密电子邮件。用户获取具有受信任权限的公钥-私钥对,然后在电子邮件应用程序中适当使用这些密钥。
PGP和S / MIME之间的区别:
1. | It is designed for processing the plain texts | While it is designed to process email as well as many multimedia files. |
2. | PGP is less costly as compared to S/MIME. | While S/MIME is comparatively expensive. |
3. | PGP is good for personal as well as office use. | While it is good for industrial use. |
4. | PGP is less efficient than S/MIME. | While it is more efficient than PGP. |
5. | It depends on user key exchange. | Whereas it relies on a hierarchically valid certificate for key exchange. |
6. | PGP is comparatively less convenient. | While it is more convenient than PGP due to the secure transformation of all the applications. |
7. | PGP contains 4096 public keys. | While it contains only 1024 public keys. |
8. | PGP is the standard for strong encryption. | While it is also the standard for strong encryption but has some drawbacks. |
9. | PGP is also be used in VPNs. | While it is not used in VPNs, it is only used in email services. |
10. | PGP uses Diffie hellman digital signature. | While it uses Elgamal digital signature. |