1. Amazon CloudSearch:
它是可扩展的基于云的搜索服务,是Amazon Web Services的一部分。它是Amazon的托管搜索引擎服务,数据存储在Amazon云中。该数据库支持34种语言,其功能包括突出显示,自动完成和地理空间搜索。
2. Amazon SimpleDB:
它是Amazon托管的简单数据库服务,数据存储在Amazon Cloud中。它是Amazon是一项用于实时在结构化数据上运行查询的Web服务。该数据库由Amazon.com用Erlang编写。它具有以下功能–高可用性和灵活性,几乎没有管理负担。
Amazon CloudSearch和Amazon SimpleDB之间的区别:
S.NO. | Amazon CloudSearch | Amazon SimpleDB |
1. | Developed By Amazon in 2012. | Developed By Amazon in 2007. |
2. | It is a hosted search engine service by Amazon with data stored in Amazon cloud. | It is a hosted simple database service by Amazon, with data stored in Amazon Cloud. |
3. | It supports replication methods that are managed transparently by AWS. | It supports replication methods. |
4. | It supports partitioning methods. | It does not support partitioning methods. |
5. | Its Primary database model is a Search engine. | Its primary database model is the Key-value store. |
6. | It supports predefined data types such as float or date. | It does not support predefined data types such as float or date. |
7. | No Methods to ensure consistency in a distributed system. | Eventual Consistency and Immediate Consistency is used to ensure consistency in a distributed system. |
8. | Replication methods are managed transparently by AWS support. | The replication method is not managed by any support. |
9. | It supports Data scheme. | It supports schema-free Data scheme. |