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📜  使用 HTML 和 CSS 设计关于我们的页面

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-29 13:20:28             🧑  作者: Mango

对于不了解 HTML 和 CSS 的人来说,创建一个有吸引力的页面似乎很困难。如果有人不知道使用 CSS,那么他们将无法使页面看起来更好或更具吸引力。因此,本文的主要重点将放在 CSS 的实现上。


  • 等标签创建一个简单的网页结构。因此,它将帮助我们创建一个简单的网页,我们可以通过运行以下代码进行检查:

        About us Page

    About US


                        Here you will get to know the team                      members of our company                 


                        Below are the people who                     works in our company                 


                Our Team         




    CEO and the Founder






    You can contact him: -






    Food Manager of the company


    /* This is for the logo of the company */
        /* It is used to make the logo to 
        be displayed along with the ul 
        list horizontally */  
    .logo img{    
        /* The logo image will have a border,
        that has a width of 2px and the color 
        of the border is white */  
        border:2px solid white;
        /* Now we will add a border radius of 
        5px to make the logo image circular */  
        /* To make all those logo image and the
        list to be displayed horizontally */
        /* When we will take our mouse to those 
        lists or image the cursor will be pointer */
        cursor: pointer;
        /* It is to display the list in horizontal */
    .nav-list li{    
        /* This will remove the style of bulleted list */  
        /* This will create a space between the items */    
        padding:2px 6px;
    .nav-list li a{
        /* This is to remove the underline of the 
        text that appears when we use the anchor tag */    
        /* This is to display the color of 
        those anchor text white */  
    /* When the user will point their mouse towards 
    any anchor text they will find a different color */      
    .nav-list li a:hover{
        /* We will find the search box along with 
        the search button will be shifted to right */  
        /* The size of the font that will be appearing 
        in the search box when the user will try to 
        search something */
        /* The border of the search box has a width
        of 2px and the type of the border is solid.
        The color of the border will be grey */
        border:2px solid grey;
        /* We will use a border-radius to make the 
        search box give a better looking shape than 
        rectangular shape */  
        /* The background image will change whenever
        we load the page */  
        background: grey;
        /* This will make the background that have
        been added will be darken */  
        /* It is to make the height of the 
        viewport to be 100 */  
        /* This is to display the contact us and the 
        sentences below it to be displayed in flex */
        /* This is to display the text to have
        a color of white */  
        /* Now we will set the margin to auto */
        /* This will make all the text to be 
        displayed at the center of the page */  
        /* This will make the text to display at
        the center of the page vertically */  
        /* It is to specify the direction of 
        the flexible items */
    .firstHalf img{    
    /* This is used to make the text to 
    appear bigger */  
    /* Now we have used a font here to distinguish 
    itself from the next text */  
        font-family: 'Piazzolla', serif;
        /* The text to have a style of bold */
         font-weight: bold;
        /* The size of the text to be appearing as
        bigger to distinguish itself from the text 
        in the class text-small */  
        font-size: 41px;
        /* The text to be aligned at center */  
        font-family: 'Sansita Swashed', cursive;
        font-size: 18px;
    #service .box{
        /* This is for the background of the box
        to make all the boxes seperatable from 
        each other */  
        margin:3px 6px;
        /* To make the box have a better looking
        than rectangular shape */  
    /* This is for the image that we have 
    used in the box */  
    #service .box img{
        /* This is for the height of the image 
        that is required for the page */  
        /* This is to make the image obtain 
        a circular shape */  
    #service .box p{
        /* This is for the text that we have 
        written to define the image that we 
        have used */  
        /* This is to make the text to be 
        aligned at center */  
    #services .box{
        /* This is for the background of the box 
        to make all the boxes seperatable from 
        each other */  
        margin:3px 6px;
        /* To make the box have a better looking 
        than rectangular shape*/  
    /* This is for the image that we have 
    used in the box*/  
    #services .box img{
        /* This is for the height of the image 
        that is required for the page */  
        /* This is to make the image obtain 
        a circular shape */  
    #services .box p{
        /* This is for the text that we have written 
        to define the image that we have used */  
        /* This is to make the text to be 
        aligned at center */  
        padding:8px 20px;
        margin:7px 0;
        /* The radius of the border will have a width of 
        2px and the type of border will be solid. The 
        border will have a border of white depending on 
        what type of image we have used as background */
        border:2px solid white;
        /* Here we have used border-radius to make 
        the search button appear better */
        /* To make the button have the color 
        of background */
        /* To make the text of the button have 
        the color of white */  
        padding:6px 10px;
        vertical-align: middle;
    /* This is used here in case if we want to 
    make the text appear at center */  
        text-align: center;
    .text-footer {  
        text-align: center;  
        padding: 30px 0;  
        font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif;  
        display: flex;  
        justify-content: center;  

    CSS 设计:我们将使用 CSS 来设计简单的界面页面。这里创建这个页面的有趣部分是使用相同的导航栏背景和网页背景。同样在页脚中,我们将通过使用我们用于为网页和导航栏提供背景图像的类来使用相同的背景。网页的另一个有趣之处是导航栏固定在一个位置,因此当用户滚动网页时,他们会发现导航栏固定在一个位置。


    /* This is for the logo of the company */
        /* It is used to make the logo to 
        be displayed along with the ul 
        list horizontally */  
    .logo img{    
        /* The logo image will have a border,
        that has a width of 2px and the color 
        of the border is white */  
        border:2px solid white;
        /* Now we will add a border radius of 
        5px to make the logo image circular */  
        /* To make all those logo image and the
        list to be displayed horizontally */
        /* When we will take our mouse to those 
        lists or image the cursor will be pointer */
        cursor: pointer;
        /* It is to display the list in horizontal */
    .nav-list li{    
        /* This will remove the style of bulleted list */  
        /* This will create a space between the items */    
        padding:2px 6px;
    .nav-list li a{
        /* This is to remove the underline of the 
        text that appears when we use the anchor tag */    
        /* This is to display the color of 
        those anchor text white */  
    /* When the user will point their mouse towards 
    any anchor text they will find a different color */      
    .nav-list li a:hover{
        /* We will find the search box along with 
        the search button will be shifted to right */  
        /* The size of the font that will be appearing 
        in the search box when the user will try to 
        search something */
        /* The border of the search box has a width
        of 2px and the type of the border is solid.
        The color of the border will be grey */
        border:2px solid grey;
        /* We will use a border-radius to make the 
        search box give a better looking shape than 
        rectangular shape */  
        /* The background image will change whenever
        we load the page */  
        background: grey;
        /* This will make the background that have
        been added will be darken */  
        /* It is to make the height of the 
        viewport to be 100 */  
        /* This is to display the contact us and the 
        sentences below it to be displayed in flex */
        /* This is to display the text to have
        a color of white */  
        /* Now we will set the margin to auto */
        /* This will make all the text to be 
        displayed at the center of the page */  
        /* This will make the text to display at
        the center of the page vertically */  
        /* It is to specify the direction of 
        the flexible items */
    .firstHalf img{    
    /* This is used to make the text to 
    appear bigger */  
    /* Now we have used a font here to distinguish 
    itself from the next text */  
        font-family: 'Piazzolla', serif;
        /* The text to have a style of bold */
         font-weight: bold;
        /* The size of the text to be appearing as
        bigger to distinguish itself from the text 
        in the class text-small */  
        font-size: 41px;
        /* The text to be aligned at center */  
        font-family: 'Sansita Swashed', cursive;
        font-size: 18px;
    #service .box{
        /* This is for the background of the box
        to make all the boxes seperatable from 
        each other */  
        margin:3px 6px;
        /* To make the box have a better looking
        than rectangular shape */  
    /* This is for the image that we have 
    used in the box */  
    #service .box img{
        /* This is for the height of the image 
        that is required for the page */  
        /* This is to make the image obtain 
        a circular shape */  
    #service .box p{
        /* This is for the text that we have 
        written to define the image that we 
        have used */  
        /* This is to make the text to be 
        aligned at center */  
    #services .box{
        /* This is for the background of the box 
        to make all the boxes seperatable from 
        each other */  
        margin:3px 6px;
        /* To make the box have a better looking 
        than rectangular shape*/  
    /* This is for the image that we have 
    used in the box*/  
    #services .box img{
        /* This is for the height of the image 
        that is required for the page */  
        /* This is to make the image obtain 
        a circular shape */  
    #services .box p{
        /* This is for the text that we have written 
        to define the image that we have used */  
        /* This is to make the text to be 
        aligned at center */  
        padding:8px 20px;
        margin:7px 0;
        /* The radius of the border will have a width of 
        2px and the type of border will be solid. The 
        border will have a border of white depending on 
        what type of image we have used as background */
        border:2px solid white;
        /* Here we have used border-radius to make 
        the search button appear better */
        /* To make the button have the color 
        of background */
        /* To make the text of the button have 
        the color of white */  
        padding:6px 10px;
        vertical-align: middle;
    /* This is used here in case if we want to 
    make the text appear at center */  
        text-align: center;
    .text-footer {  
        text-align: center;  
        padding: 30px 0;  
        font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif;  
        display: flex;  
        justify-content: center;  

