如何使用 CSS 并排浮动三个 div?
可以使用 CSS 并排放置三个或更多不同的 div。使用 CSS 属性设置 div 的高度和宽度,使用 display 属性将 div 并排放置。
- 向左飘浮;此属性用于那些将浮动在左侧的元素(div)。
- 浮动:对;此属性用于那些将浮动在右侧的元素(div)。
示例 1:此示例使用 float 属性并排放置三个 div。
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示例 2:此示例使用 float 属性并排放置三个 div。
We can create as many div as many we want side by
side with the same height and also with the
different heights.
示例 3:另一种使用 display 属性将三个 div 并排放置的方法。
- 显示:表格;此属性用于行为类似于表格的元素 (div)。
- 显示:表格单元格;此属性用于行为类似于 td 的元素 (div)。
- 显示:表格行;此属性用于行为类似于 tr 的元素 (div)。
It is a good platform to learn programming.
It is an educational website. Prepare for
the Recruitment drive of product based
companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc
with a free online placement preparation
The course focuses on various MCQ's &
Coding question likely to be asked in
the interviews & make your upcoming
placement season efficient and successful.
Any geeks can help other geeks by writing
articles on the GeeksforGeeks, publishing
articles follow few steps that are Articles
that need little modification/improvement
from reviewers are published first.