1. 转基:
它是资源优化、高性能、普遍适用的 RDBMS,由慕尼黑 Transaction Software GmbH 开发和维护。它是一个关系数据库管理系统,支持 SQL 标准的所有重要功能。 Transbase 的数据库可通过附加功能进行扩展,自定义数据类型还通过动态多线程技术提供查询的并行执行。
2. 垂直:
Vertica 是一个列式关系 DBMS,旨在处理现代分析工作负载并实现快速查询性能。其总部位于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市。它是一个独立于基础设施的基础设施,通过它它支持在多个云平台(AWS、谷歌云、Azure)、本地和本地 Hadoop 节点上的部署。它的分析平台社区版是免费提供的,但有一定的限制。
Transbase 和 Vertica 的区别:
Transbase | Vertica |
It is developed by Transaction Software GmbH and initially released on 1987. | It is developed by Vertica / Micro Focus and initially released on 2005. |
FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, Solaris, Windows, are the server, operating systems of Transbase. | Linux is server operating systems of Vertica. |
Absence of Secondary database models in Transbase. | Secondary database models is Document store. |
It supports C, C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Objective-C, PHP, Python are programming languages. | C++, Java, Perl, Python, R are supporting programming languages. |
ADO.NET, JDBC, ODBC, Proprietary native API are the APIs and other access methods of Transbase. | ADO.NET, JDBC, Kafka, ODBC, Proprietary protocol, RESTful HTTP, API are the APIs and other access methods. |
Implementation language is C and C++ . | It doesn’t has any Implementation language. |
Replication methods of Transbase is Master-slave replication. | Replication methods is Master-master replication of Vertica . |
Absence of Partitioning methods in Transbase . | Sharding partitioning methods is present. |