1. Trafodion :
它是一个事务性 SQL-on-Hadoop DBMS。它是一个网络规模的 SQL-on-Hadoop 解决方案,支持在 Apache Hadoop 上处理事务或操作工作负载。 “Trafodion”这个名字发音为“Tra-vod-eee-on”。它是一个在 Apache Hadoop 上运行的关系数据库管理系统,它为大数据环境中的事务或操作工作负载以及使用并行感知查询优化器的大数据集提供支持。
2. 伏特数据库:
它是一个符合 ACID 的 RDBMS 和分布式内存中 NewSQL RDBMS,它使用无共享架构。数据库由 Michael Stonebraker、Sam Madden 和 Daniel Abadi 设计。最初,VoltDB 数据库包括集群吞吐量和延迟以及 CPU 和内存使用情况的图表。它基于 H-Store,并随着多核服务器上每 CPU 核数的增加而扩展。
Trafodion 和 VoltDB 的区别:
S.NO. | Trafodion | VoltDB |
1 | Developed by Apache Software Foundation, originally developed by HP and initially released on 2014. | Developed by VoltDB Inc. and initially released on 2010. |
2 | Current release on February 2019. | Current release on April 2019. |
3 | Linux is server, operating systems of Trafodion . | Linux, OS X are server operating systems of VoltDB. |
4 | Primary database model is Relational DBMS. | Primary database model is Relational DBMS. |
5 | All languages supporting JDBC/ODBC/ADO.Net are programming languages. | C#, C++, Erlang, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python are supporting programming languages. |
6 | ADO.NET, JDBC, ODBC are the APIs and other access methods of Trafodion. | Java API, JDBC, RESTful HTTP/JSON API are APIs and other access methods. |
7 | Trafodion has Data Schema. | It also has Data Schema. |
8 | It has Implementation language Java and C++ . | Implementation language of VoltDB is Java, C++. |
9 | Trafodion has ACID Transaction concepts. | ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) is Transaction concepts. |
10 | Via HBase is replication methods of Trafodion. | Replication methods of VoltDB is Master-master replication and Master-slave replication. |
11 | Trafodion holds Immediate Consistency concept. | It does not holds Consistency concept. |
12 | It has concept of Foreign keys. | It also has concept of Foreign keys. |