1. 甲骨文:
Oracle 是一个关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS)。它由 Oracle Corporation 于 1980 年开发。它是第一个专为网格计算设计的数据库,可提供最灵活、最具成本效益的信息和应用程序管理方式。它可以在 Windows、Unix、Linux 和 macOS 等主要平台上运行。它是一种关系数据库,用户可以通过应用程序或称为 SQL 的查询语言访问其中的数据。
Derby 是一个开源的关系数据库管理系统。它由 Apache 软件基金会于 1997 年开发。它完全用Java编程语言编写和实现。 Derby 的主要数据库模型是关系 DBMS。所有带有Java VM 的操作系统都是服务器操作系统。它根据 SQL 标准为用户提供细粒度的访问权限,并具有可紧密嵌入到任何基于Java的解决方案中的小型基于标准的数据库引擎。
1. | It was developed by Oracle Corporation in 1980. | It is developed by Apache Software Foundation in 1997. |
2. | It is a commercial software. | It is an open-source software. |
3. | It is written in C and C++. | It is written in Java. |
4. | Server operating systems for Oracle are Solaris, Linux, OS X, Windows. | Server operating systems for Derby are Windows, macOs, Linux, Unix, BSD and z/OS. |
5. | The replication methods that Oracle supports are Master-Slave Replication and Master-Master Replication. | The Replication methods that Derby support are Master-Slave Replication. |
6. | JDBC, ODBC, ODP.NET, OCI are the APIs and access methods used in Oracle. | JDBC are the APIs and other access methods used in Derby. |
7. | It uses Horizontal partitioning method for storing different data on different nodes. | It does not support Partitioning methods. |
8. | The primary database model for Derby is Relational DBMS. | The primary database model for Oracle is Relational DBMS. |
9. | It provides in-memory capabilities. | It also provides in-memory capabilities. |
10. | It provides fine grained access rights according to SQL-standard. | It also support fine grained access rights according to SQL-standard. |