1. 口袋数据库:
PouchDB 是一个开源的 NoSQL 内联数据库。它是在 CouchDB 之后设计的,CouchDB 是一个支持 npm 的 NoSQL 数据库。它是用 JavaScript 语言编写的。由于 PouchDB 驻留在浏览器中,因此无需通过网络执行查询,因此速度非常快。它在浏览器中使用 IndexedDB 和 WebSQL 在本地存储数据。
2. 微软 SQL 服务器:
Microsoft SQL Server 是一个关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS),它依赖于平台,并且是基于 GUI 和命令的软件。它支持企业 IT 环境中的各种事务处理、商业智能和分析应用程序。它由微软公司开发,最初于 1989 年 4 月 24 日发布。它是用 C 和 C++ 语言编写的。
PouchDB 和 MS SQL Server 的区别:
SR.NO | PouchDB | MS SQL Server |
1 | It is developed by Microsoft Corporation. | It is developed By D. Richard Hipp . |
2 | It was released in 2012. | It was released on April 24, 1989. |
3 | It is written using Javascript language. | It is written in C and C++ language.. |
4 | The primary database model for PouchDB is Document Store. | The primary database model for MS SQL Serve is Relational DBMS. |
5 | It is Data Schema free. | Its Data Schema is fixed. |
6 | It does not has predefined data types. | It has predefined data types such as float, date, number, etc. |
7 | It provides Eventual Consistency method to ensure consistency in a distributed system. | It provides Immediate Consistency method to ensure consistency in a distributed system. |
8 | It does not provide ACID transactions. | It provides ACID transactions. |