1. IBM DB2:
IBM DB2 是 IBM 于 1983 年开发的关系型数据库。它被认为是为 AI 构建的数据库管理产品家族。它具有增强的执行交易的能力。它基于ACID的原理工作,具有很高的灵活性和性能。它具有高效的备份设施,被认为非常安全。它非常可靠,并得到 Linux、Unix 和 Windows 操作系统的支持。它具有商业许可证,并且具有很高的可扩展性。
2. 亚马逊动态数据库:
Amazon DynamoDB 是一个具有高可扩展性的文档数据库。它是由亚马逊在 2012 年提供的。它有一个主数据库模型作为文档存储和键值存储。它有商业许可证。它使用事务并遵循 ACID 属性。有备份设施,安全性高。 Amazon DynamoDB 是一个持久且强大的数据库。它可以在一天内处理大量请求,并且得到全面管理。
IBM DB2 和 Amazon DynamoDB 的区别:
S.NO. | IBM DB2 | Amazon DynamoDB |
1. | IBM DB2 is a relational database model. | Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value storage database model. |
2. | Pessimistic Locking model is there in IBM DB2. | Optimistic Locking model is there in Amazon DynamoDB. |
3. | IBM DB2 has schema. | It is free from schema. |
4. | It was developed by IBM in 1983. | It was developed by Amazon in 2012. |
5. | It supports AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS. | It supports all hosted operating system. |
6. | Foreign keys are present in IBM DB2. | It does not have foreign key concept. |
7. | It is not cloud based database. | It is cloud based database. |
8. | It uses SQL queries for processing query. | It does not have SQL queries. |
9. | It support server side scripts. | It does not support server side script. |
10. | It is considered more than Amazon DynamoDB in terms of ranking. | It is considered less than IBM DB2 in terms of ranking. |