Hive是一种数据仓库软件,用于查询和管理基于 Hadoop 的大型分布式数据集。它由 Apache Software Foundation 于 2012 年开发。它包含两个模块,一个是 MapReduce,另一个是 Hadoop 分布式文件系统 (HDFS)。它将模式存储在数据库中并将处理后的数据存储到 HDFS。它驻留在 Hadoop 之上以汇总大数据,并使查询和分析变得容易。
2. 卡桑德拉:
Cassandra 是一个免费、开源、分布式、广泛的列存储、NoSQL 数据库管理系统。它由 Apache 软件基金会开发,最初于 2008 年 7 月发布。Cassandra 旨在处理跨多个商用服务器的大量数据,提供高可用性且无单点故障。
Hive和 Cassandra 的区别:
1. | It is developed by Apache Software Foundation in 2012. | It is also developed by Apache Software Foundation in 2008. |
2. | It is written in Java language. | It is written in Java language. |
3. | The primary database model for Hive is Relational DBMS. | The primary database model for Cassandra is Wide Column Store. |
4. | Server operating systems for Hive is all OS with a Java VM . | Cassandra server operating systems are BSD, Linux, OS X, Windows. |
5. | It is an open source software. | It is also an open source software. |
6. | It support C++, Java, PHP, Python programming language. | It support C#, C++, Clojure, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript info, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala. |
7. | The replication method that Hive supports is Selectable Replication Factor. | The replication method that Cassandra supports is Selectable Replication Factor. |
8. | It do not support In-memory capabilities. | It support In-memory capabilities. |
9. | No transaction concepts. | ACID properties of transaction is used. |
10. | JDBC, ODBC, Thrift are used as APIs and other access methods. | Proprietary protocol, Thrift are used asAPIs and other access methods. |