📜  HDFS 和 NFS 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 03:39:33             🧑  作者: Mango

在本文中,我们将讨论HDFS (Hadoop 分布式文件系统)和NFS (网络文件系统)之间的区别。


它主要用于将单个 Apache Hadoop 集群扩展到数百个甚至数千个节点。它被认为是 Apache Hadoop 的主要组件之一。它与 Apache HBase 不同,后者是一种位于 HDFS 之上的面向列的非关系 DBMS,后者可以通过其内存处理引擎更好地支持实时数据。

该文件系统存储文件的多个副本,这就是它被称为容错的原因。这里默认的复制级别是 3。

此 NFS 文件系统是一个分布式文件系统,允许其客户端通过网络访问文件。这个文件系统是一个开放标准。这就是该文件系统可以轻松实现的原因。最初,这个文件系统是为实验目的而创建的,但后来它的第二个变种在第一次成功后发布供公众使用。


这里,mount 命令用于访问导出的数据。数据访问成功后,客户端可以在指定的参数范围内与文件系统互联。

HDFS 和 NFS 之间的区别:

  • NFS 没有任何内置的容错功能,但 HDFS 的设计目的是为了在故障中幸存下来,因为它具有容错或复制功能。
  • HDFS的存储容量比较高。

HDFS 相对于 NFS 的优势?
除了容错之外,HDFS 确实支持文件的多个副本,这避免了许多客户端访问单个文件的常见瓶颈。由于在不同的物理磁盘上有多个副本,它的读取性能比 NFS 更好。

表格形式的 HDFS 和 NFS 之间的区别:




Definition It is a file system in which data is distributed among many data nodes or networked computers. It is a file system or protocol which allows its client to access the file over the network.
Supporting Data Size – It is mainly used to store and process big data.  It can store and process a small amount of data.
Data storage – Its data blocks are dispersed on the local drives of hardware. Data is stored on a single dedicated hardware.
Reliability – Its data is stored reliably. Here, data is available even after machine failure. No reliability, data is not available in case of machine failure.
Data Redundancy – It runs on a cluster of different machines, data redundancy may occur due to replication protocol. It runs on a single machine, with no chance of data redundancy.
Domain – It is for multi-domain. It is for a single domain.
Client-Server Trust – Here, client identity is trusted by the OS. Here, client identity is trusted by default.
Compatability with O/S – It has different calls. It is mainly used for non-interactive programs. It has the same system calls as O/S.