📜  Android 1.1 和 Android 3.2.6 之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 03:47:36             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 安卓 1.1:
Android 1.1 是继Android 1.0 之后Google 推出的第二个Android 版本。它具有以前版本(即 Android 1.0)中包含的所有功能,并且在此版本中还添加了更多功能。在呼叫者应用程序中添加了一些功能,例如隐藏和显示数字键盘。此版本还增加了保存彩信附件的功能。它也没有像 Android 1.0 那样的正式版本名称,但非正式地称为Banana Bread 。 Android 1.1 中的 API 级别为 2。它于 2009 年 2 月 9 日发布。

2. 安卓 3.2.6:
Android 3.2.6 是继 Google 推出的 Android 3.2.4 之后的下一个 Android 版本。它具有以前版本的所有功能,并且在此版本中进行了一些新的改进。此版本中未添加新用户或开发人员功能。它与之前的 Android 3.2.4 版本非常相似。此版本仅修复了一些主要和次要问题,并改进了一些功能。它的版本名称是Honeycomb 。 Android 3.2.6 中的 API 级别为 13。它于 2012 年 2 月 15 日发布。

Android 1.1 和 Android 3.2.6 的区别:

1. It is the second version of Android. It is the next version of Android after Android 3.2.4.
2. It is successor to Android 1.0 version. It is successor to Android 3.2.4 version.
3. It is predecessor to Android 1.5 version. It is predecessor to Android 4.0 version.
4. It was released on 09 February 2009. It was released on 15 February 2012.
5. The API level in Android 1.1 version is 2. The API level in Android 3.2.6 version is 13.
6. It does not have official version name like its successors. It has official version name like its other previous versions.
7. It has unofficial version name ‘Banana Bread’. It has official version name ‘Honeycomb’.
8. It had all the features of previous version and two more features were added in this version. It had all features of previous versions and some features were improved in this version.
9. Several bugs and issues were found in this version. Bugs and some major and minor issues were fixed in this version.
10. It had lots of defects. There were less number of defects in this version.