多年来, Java一直是最流行的编程语言之一。 Java是面向对象的。但是,它不被视为纯粹的面向对象,因为它提供对原始数据类型(如 int、char 等)的支持。在本文中,将讨论 BlueJ、 Java IDE 和 JDK 之间的区别。
BlueJ: BlueJ 是一个免费的Java环境,由澳大利亚莫纳什大学的 Michael Kolling 和 John Rosenberg 于 1999 年创立,是 Blue J 的继承者。它是一个基于 Windows 的Java开发工具包 (JDK) 平台。在安装 BlueJ 之前需要安装 JDK 1.3 或更高版本。它可以从其官方网站免费下载。它的开发是为了支持 OOP(面向对象编程)的学习和教学。可以交互地创建和测试对象。 BlueJ 的界面比大多数专业 IDE 更简单。它提供了许多特定于其教育目标的工具。还有可用的标准开发工具,例如编辑器、编译器和运行时环境。
JDK: JDK 代表Java开发工具包。它是 Oracle Corporation 为Java开发人员在 Solaris、Linux、macOS 或 Windows 上发布的Java平台实现。 JDK 是用于开发Java应用程序的开发环境。需要编译代码并将Java代码转换为字节码。它还包括编译器和调试器。 JDK 允许开发人员使用Java创建可由 JVM 和 JRE 执行和运行的程序。
下表解释了 BlueJ 和 JDK 的区别:
BlueJ | JDK 1.3 |
It is an Integrated Development Kit where we can run java. | JDK is a package which is required to run java programs. |
BlueJ is a platform that helps with the interaction between a coder and the system. | This can be considered as a resource to build various apps in java. |
It is a Windows based platform. | It is a DOS based platform. |
It is comparitively easier than JDK as it offers compilation and debugging at the same time. | It does not offer compilation and debugging at the same time. |
It supports the syntax of JDK 1.3 | It does not support the syntax of BlueJ. |
It has a default package class. | It does not have a default package class. |
Because of the presence of default package class, it makes more easy to use and stated as user friendly. | As default package class is not available, it makes it harder to use and is not user friendly. |