顾名思义,虚拟化是一种允许操作系统实例在单台计算机上同时运行的软件。它的类型包括 CPU 虚拟化、内存虚拟化、设备和 I’O 虚拟化。它应用于系统的现有部分,因此始终会带来更好的效率和性能。由于可以平衡资源的技术,它总体上提高了性能。
顾名思义,Hypervisor 是一种软件、硬件或固件,通常可以使虚拟化成为可能。它只是创建虚拟化层,将 CPU/处理器、RAM 和所有其他物理资源与我们创建的虚拟机分开。其类型包括本地管理程序和托管管理程序。它用于分配每个 VM 资源,例如 CPU、内存、存储和网络,以简单地运行来宾操作系统和应用程序。
Virtualization |
Hypervisor |
It uses software to create virtual version of something rather than actual one. | It is software used to create and run virtual machines. |
It generally allows to use physical machines full capacity simply by distributing its capabilities among different users and environments. | It generally allows one host computer to support various guest virtual machines simply by sharing its resources virtually. |
Its main function is to manage workloads by transforming tradition computing radically simply to make it more scalable. | Its main function is to allocate system resources properly to each virtual machine that it manages. |
It is most effective way to reduce IT expenses, boost efficiency, and agility for small to large size business. | It is most effective way to ensure that virtual machines are working effectively or not, smooth functioning of virtual machine, reduces costs of operations, etc. |
It is generally used for testing application on different platforms for OS, to conserver physical space, reduce cost, increase efficiency and productivity, etc. | It is generally used for various tasks such as cloud computing, server management, running programs compatible with OS, etc. |
Its advantages include control independence and DevOps, enhance resiliency, reduce downtime, simplify data center management, etc. | Its advantages include consolidating servers, desktop virtualization, data replication, etc. |
It is more cost-effective as compared to hypervisors. | It is less cost-effective as compared to virtualization. |