📜  匿名内部类和 Lambda 表达式的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 04:42:56             🧑  作者: Mango





  • 类(可以是抽象的或具体的)
  • 界面


// Test can be interface, abstract/concrete class
Test t = new Test() 
   // data members and methods
   public void test_method() 


// Java program to demonstrate
// the need for Anonymous Inner class
interface Age {
    int x = 21;
    void getAge();
class AnonymousDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Myclass is implementation class of Age interface
        MyClass obj = new MyClass();
        // calling getage() method implemented at Myclass
// Myclass implement the methods of Age Interface
class MyClass implements Age {
    public void getAge()
        // printing the age
        System.out.print("Age is " + x);
Age is 21


Lambda 表达式基本上表达了函数式接口的实例(具有单一抽象方法的接口称为函数式接口。一个例子是Java.lang.Runnable)。 lambda 表达式实现了唯一的抽象函数,因此实现了函数式接口

lambda 表达式是在Java 8 中添加的,并提供以下功能。

  • 启用将功能视为方法参数,或将代码视为数据。
  • 可以在不属于任何类的情况下创建的函数。
  • 一个 lambda 表达式可以像一个对象一样被传递并按需执行。
// Java program to demonstrate lambda expressions
// to implement a user defined functional interface.
// A sample functional interface (An interface with
// single abstract method
interface FuncInterface {
    // An abstract function
    void abstractFun(int x);
// A non-abstract (or default) function
default void
class Test {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // lambda expression to implement above
        // functional interface. This interface
        // by default implements abstractFun()
        FuncInterface fobj = (int x) -> System.out.println(2 * x);
        // This calls above lambda expression and prints 10.


Anonymous Inner Class Lambda Expression
It is a class without name. It is a method without name.(anonymous function)
It can extend abstract and concrete class. It can’t extend abstract and concrete class.
It can implement an interface that contains any number of abstract methods. It can implement an interface which contains a single abstract methods.
Inside this we can declare instance variables. It does not allow declaration of instance variables, whether the variables declared simply act as local variables.
Anonymous inner class can be instantiated. Lambda Expression can’t be instantiated.
Inside Anonymous inner class, “this” always refers to current anonymous inner class object but not to outer object. Inside Lambda Expression, “this” always refers to current outer class object that is, enclosing class object.
It is the best choice if we want to handle multiple methods. It is the best choice if we want to handle interface.
At the time of compilation, a separate .class file will be generated. At the time of compilation, no separate .class file will be generated. It simply convert it into private method outer class.
Memory allocation is on demand, whenever we are creating an onject. It resides in a permanent memory of JVM.