Ubuntu是一个基于 Linux 的操作系统,属于 Linux 的 Debian 家族。因为它是基于 Linux 的,所以它可以免费使用并且是开源的。它是由 Mark Shuttleworth 领导的“Canonical ”团队开发的。 “ubuntu”一词源自一个非洲词,意思是“对他人的人性”。中文版的Ubuntu用于运行世界上最快的超级计算机。谷歌的自动驾驶汽车使用的是 ubuntu 的精简版。
Parrot OS是一个基于 Linux 的开源操作系统,可以免费使用。它属于 Linux 的 Debian 家族。它由 Lorenzo Faletra 领导的团队开发。它于 2013 年 3 月首次发布。 Parrot 包含 100 多种渗透测试、安全研究、数字取证、逆向工程和道德黑客工具。与其他 Linux 发行版相比,它是一个轻量级的操作系统。
Ubuntu 和 Parrot Linux 的区别
S.NO. | Ubuntu | Parrot OS |
1. | Developed by canonical. | Developed by a team of Lorenzo Faletra. |
2. | ubuntu was initially released on 20 October 2004. | Parrot was initially released on 10 April 2013. |
3. | Ubuntu is used for daily use or on server. | Parrot is used by security researchers or ethical hackers for security purposes |
4. | Latest Ubuntu consists of the Gnome environment by default, though it allows you to change the same. | Latest Parrot consists of the KDE or MATE environment by default, though it allows you to change the same. |
6. | Ubuntu doesn’t comes packed with hacking and penetration testing tools. | Parrot comes packed with hacking and penetration testing tools. |
7. | comes with a user friendly Interface | comes with a less user friendly Interface as compared to ubuntu. |
8. | Ubuntu is a good option for beginners to Linux. | Parrot Linux is a good option for those who are intermediate in Linux. |