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📜  阿里云日志服务与亚马逊海王星的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-12 10:47:55             🧑  作者: Mango


Amazon Neptune 是 Amazon.com 为云产品构建的快速、可靠的图形数据库。它是 AWS(亚马逊网络服务)的一部分。它于 2017 年 11 月 29 日宣布。它同时支持开源 Apache TinkerPop Gremlin 图遍历语言。它允许用户使用通过 AWS Key Management Service 创建的密钥加密数据库。


1. Developed By AlibabaCloud Inc. on 2016. Developed By Amazon on 2017.
2.  It is a complete real-time data logging service that supports collection, consumption, shipping, search, and analysis of logs. It is a fast, reliable graph database built for the cloud product by Amazon.com
3. The License of Alibaba Cloud Log Service is commercial. The License of Amazon Neptune is commercial.
4. In Alibaba Cloud Log Service, Hosted server operating systems. In Amazon Neptune, Hosted server operating systems
5. Its primary database model is Search engine. Its Primary database model are Graph DBMS and RDF store.
6. It does not support the Server-side scripting. It does not support the Server-side scripting.
7. There is only one partitioning methods – Sharding. It does not support partitioning methods.
8. It supports SQL query language. It does not supports SQL query language.
9. It support 3 replicas. It support multi-availability zones high availability.
10. It does not provides the concept of Referential Integrity. Hence, no Foreign Keys. It provides the concept of Referential Integrity. Hence, there is Foreign Keys.
11. It offers an ES-Hadoop Connector as a Map/Reduce methods It does not offers an API for user-defined Map/Reduce methods.